Elf Duty

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"C'mon, (y/n), you gotta hurry!" Your little sister, Isabel, said as she weaved through the crowd at the mall. At times like this, you were really glad that she always wore a bright pink jacket during the winter.  For an eight year old, she sure did move quickly. "We're gonna miss Santa!"

"Santa's gonna be here until Christmas Eve, chill," you told her as your tried to catch up. The two of you had to make it to the center of the mall in order to get to Santa's Workshop, and it looked like your sister would get there long before you did. You loved the kid, but you silently cursed your mom for making you come out here in the middle of Christmas shopping season.

"(Y/n)," she whined, stopping suddenly and turning to face you. "Hurry up!"

You finally caught up to her, taking her gloved hand in yours as you saw that Santa's Workshop was only around the corner. You groaned inwardly as you saw the line of kids and (annoyed) parents nearly reaching the corner, but when you saw how excited your sister was, you sucked it up and got in line with her. "What're you asking Santa for this year?" You asked her as you tried to ignore the screaming twins a few families ahead of you.

"I want a puppy and you to get a boyfriend," she replied nonchalantly, as if she didn't just roast the hell out of you.

"I'm sorry, what was that last part?" You asked, cocking your head slightly.

"Maybe Santa can help you get a boyfriend," she said, looking away from the line and up at you. "I heard mom saying that you gotta get one before you're too old." Huh, so this is what it feels like to get roasted by a third grader. I don't like it.

"You remember what I told you about home and public conversations?" You asked instead of the roast you wanted to attempt instead. Isabel nodded.

"Ooh, is this a home one?" she asked, eyes wide as the realization hit her. She's too cute for the roast. I can't do it. You nodded, and she muttered a small apology. You just shook your head, looking at the line in front of you that was slowly but surely inching forward. You figured that it'd take maybe an hour at most to get your sister to Santa, and then you could do some Christmas shopping yourself and take her out for dinner. So, you settled in, chatting with Isabel about whatever she wanted to.


You were wrong. You were definitely wrong. It had been over an hour and you and your sister were barely getting to the entrance of Santa's Workshop. You had given Isabel your phone to keep her from whining, but now you were about to die of boredom. Your only saving grace had been the book you bought on whim from the bookstore you walked through to get into the mall. You kept an eye out for your sister and the progression of the line, finally putting away your book as Isabel followed the line into the ~official~ Santa area.

"Oo, there's Santa," Isabel squealed, practically throwing your phone back at you as she bounced in excitement. You fumbled with your phone before actually dropping it, watching as it slid away from the roped off area for the line.

"Shit," you cursed softly, already starting to bend to reach for your phone.

"That's not a nice word!" Isabel told you, looking at you with a pout. You just rolled your eyes, focused on trying to reach your phone. Just as you were about to duck under the line, you saw someone else grab your phone.

"I'm guessing this is yours?" They said, straightening up.

"Yeah, sorry about that. My sister got a bit excited," you apologized, straightening up as well. You stopped short when you were met by a tall man with piercing blue eyes holding your phone out to you. You were so distracted by him that you almost didn't notice the elf costume he was wearing. Almost. The gasp from Isabel made it practically impossible to ignore it.

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