Pokémon Go

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Literally so obsessed with it right now, it's probably not healthy. Then again, the servers are down more often than I can actually play so there's that. By the way, if you have the game and are walking a shit ton, consider downloading Charity Miles or WalkForADog, that way basically however much you walk can be put towards charities or your local animal shelter.

Pokémon Go. The newest app that was taking the world by storm, letting people live out their childhood dream of being a Pokémon trainer. And, of course, you were one of the nerds that downloaded it. You were a level 18, easily surpassing your friends, a gym leader for Team Mystic, and actually getting out of your house for most hours of the day. However, there was a PokéStop at the café just down the road from your apartment, meaning that that was where you spent most of your time. The owner was a friend of yours, letting you stay there for however long you wanted. You were on your way there now, already having the app open and searching for Pokémon in your immediate area. You weren't looking where you were going, despite the app's warning to be aware of your surroundings, and crashed into someone after a few minutes, knocking down the both of you.

"Crap I am so sorry, it was entirely my fault," you started, scrambling up and putting your hand out to help the other person. This happened to you a few times already, you would think that you already knew better.

"Wait, I'm almost positive that it was my fault," the man the you knocked over said, accepting your help. "I wasn't looking where I was going and there's a Pikachu somewhere around here and I shouldn't have said that."

"Wait, there's a Pikachu? Where?" You asked excitedly, ignoring his look of confusion. "I was headed to a PokéStop but this is more important."

"It's over this way," the man told you, pointing back towards where your apartment was.

"Well, let's go get it," you replied, already walking in that direction. "I'm (y/n), by the way."

"I'm Loki. How long have you been playing?" Loki asked as you walked to the Pikachu.

"Pretty much nonstop since the game released, you?" You replied nonchalantly, looking back down at your phone to make sure that you were going in the right direction.

"I would say about the same, but work has been a bother with it too," Loki replied.

"I work from home so I'm in the clear," you said, stopping in your tracks. "I found it!"

"I found one too," Loki said, stopping a few feet in front of you. A couple minutes and four pokéballs later, you had your CP 150 Pikachu, not the strongest but not as bad as it could've been.

"Alright, I've got mine," you told Loki as you waited for him.

"And I've got mine," Loki said, looking up from his phone.

"Alright, sweet. Hey, do you wanna go to the PokéStop with me? It's at a little café and I know the owner so she's cool with us playing there," you said without really thinking, mentally face palming as you realized what you said. "But, I mean, it's cool if you don't want to, you've probably got things to do and I'll just shut up now."

"Hey, it's alright, I'd love to go. I don't really have anything planned for the day," Loki shrugged. "Lead the way?" You nodded, silently leading him to the café, still inwardly cringing at your rambling from earlier. Loki tried starting up the conversation a few times but eventually fell into the silence. When you reached the café, (y/b/f/n) called out to you.

"Hey, (y/n)! It's that time of day again, I see. Oh, who's this?" They said, pausing when they noticed Loki.

"This is Loki, I ran into him when I was playing Pokémon, literally," you replied, motioning to Loki.

"I see, well, I'll start with your usual. Do you want anything?" They asked Loki. While Loki was ordering, you went to your normal table in the corner of the shop, right under the mural that was the PokéStop. You collected the pokéballs that it gave up and waited for Pokémon to appear around you.

"Here you go, (y/b/f/n) told me to give this to you," Loki said, putting a cup of coffee in front of you. "Nice, I got an egg!"

"Aw, lucky, I just got pokéballs," you said with a slight pout. Loki just laughed, taking the seat across from you. "Anyways, what level are you?"

"16, I know, I play this too much," Loki said with a sheepish smile.

"It's cool, I get it. I'm a level 18, so no judgement here," you told him with a smile of your own. "Team?"

"Valor, of course, like there was even a choice," Loki laughed.

"Ugh, Valor. It's all about Mystic these days," you told him half-seriously.

"Wow, and you really had it going for you until you said that," Loki joked back. Well, you hoped he was joking. "Are you a gym leader?"

"Of course, why else would I bother leveling up so much?" You replied.

"Well then, I guess we'll have to see whose gym is the best then," Loki told you mischievously. "I hold the one a few blocks from Times Square."

"I hold one of the Times Square gyms," you told him. His small smirk faded a bit before returning.

"Looks like you won't be holding it for much longer," Loki replied. You guys let the conversation drop then, moving on to your lives outside of Pokémon. You talked about your jobs, movies, music, hobbies, all the normal chitchat nonsense, and found out that you guys had a lot in common. Well, other than the fact that your teams basically hated each other's guts.

A couple hours later, Loki had gotten the low-battery warning on his phone. "I should probably go home and charge it. I had a lot of fun, we should do this again sometime, (y/n)," he told you as he closed the app.

"Yeah, I had fun too. You wanna exchange info so we can set something up?" You asked him, getting out of your seat.

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan," he said, handing you his phone so that you could put in your number. You passed him yours as well, letting him put himself in your contacts. You gave each other your phones back, Loki pocketing his before pushing his chair back into place. "So, I'll text you later."

"Yeah, alright, cool," you told him, watching as he left. It wasn't until he was out of the door and walking back down the street when (y/b/f/n) spoke up.

"I'll be damned, you got a boyfriend because of freaking Pokémon. Maybe I should download the app, I could do with a date," they said, jokingly.

"Oh shut up, he's not my boyfriend," you replied with a playful glare before sitting back in your seat.

"I bet that'll change in a few weeks, just you wait and see," they replied with a knowing look, ignoring your groan of annoyance.

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