He Was Too Sensitive

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You stood in front of the closed door, not sure if you should knock or just leave Loki alone for the time being. You had been with the rest of the Avengers in one of the common rooms, laughing and joking around for the first time in a while. After some admittedly distasteful jokes from Stark at Loki's expense, Loki had stormed off, leaving the rest of you in bewilderment. It had taken only a few seconds before you followed after him, leaving Stark with a few choice words. You took a deep breath, finally lifting your hand to meet the wood. "Loki, love, may I come in?" You asked as you knocked.

"It's your room as well, is it not?" Loki replied, voice somewhat muffled by the door. You sighed, letting your forehead drop with a thunk against the door before straightening your posture and opening the door. You saw Loki sat on the edge of the bed, head in his hands. He didn't even look up when you entered.

"Loki, what's wrong?" You asked softly after closing the door behind you.

"It's nothing, love," Loki answered, still not looking up. You rolled your eyes, not that he could see, and walked over to him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, sitting beside him.

"If nothing was wrong, you wouldn't have left like that," you told him, keeping your voice soft. You wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your face into his shoulder before speaking again. "Now, will you tell me what's bothering you?"

You felt Loki take a deep breath before starting to answer. It was as if you could feel his hesitation, so you just squeezed him lightly to encourage him. You knew that he would just take in everything until he burst, and you were working with him on not allowing himself to get to that point. "Those... jokes that Stark was making..." Loki trailed off.

"They bothered you, didn't they," you finished for him. Loki nodded. "I'm sorry, I should have noticed and said something."

"No, love, you did more than enough by checking on me. It just makes me wonder why I even bother if I'm never going to be seen as anything more than the man who tried to take over the realm," Loki revealed. You took a breath, trying to think of something to say. He did have a point: no matter how much good Loki had done, the people of Earth always saw him as a 'former-villain'. It wasn't even directed at you, but you felt frustrated for him.

"Then don't do it for them. Do it for yourself. Prove that you're more than anything they'd ever dream of being, even if they don't realize it," you told him. You removed your arms from around him, choosing instead to take his hands in yours. You brought your interwoven hands to your lips, pressing a soft kiss to the back of his hand. "You needn't worry about what they think of you. I know you, and you're kind, loving, and a thousand times better than they could ever imagine."

You could feel Loki laugh softly, the sad look steadily fading from his eyes. "Love, I think you may be a bit biased," Loki told you, leaning down to press a soft kiss to your lips. "But thank you."

"For what?" You asked, tilting your head in confusion.

"For understanding," Loki replied. "I just feel like I'm being 'too sensitive', if I'm to use Stark's words." You just shook your head, already knowing where he was going with this. Even though you were from Asgard, where your warriors were highly valued and praised, you could not understand why Earth men were so afraid of their feelings. It was beginning to affect Loki, who -despite the difficulty he had with it- had always been willing to talk to you about what was happening. You missed the transparency there used to be.

"Shush, you know that Stark hides his emotions behind drink and new suits. He isn't exactly the most in tune with his emotions, and you shouldn't be one to follow his example," you chastised him. "I love you, and you make it easier for the both of us when you tell me what is going on." Loki didn't say anything, but instead settled for pressing another kiss to your lips.

"How is it that you know me better than I know myself?" Loki mused to himself.

"I've known you for a long time, love," you replied with a soft smile, pressing a kiss to the underside of his jaw. You felt him smile, and it just made you smile even more. "Perhaps we could order some food and find something to watch on TV?"

"That sounds wonderful, dove," Loki told you. You disentangled yourself from him and stood from your spot beside him.

"Just relax and find something to watch, love," you told him. "I have something I need to do and I'll order for us." Loki nodded, already grabbing the television remote from his bedside table. You left the room, immediately on the hunt for Stark. It didn't take long to find him, seeing as he was still in the same common room as earlier. Everyone else had cleared out, so it was just you and him. It was ideal for what you had planned.

"Hey, (y/n). Did you find out what was wrong with Rudolph?" Stark asked once he noticed you. You just stood silent, glaring at him with your arms crossed over your chest. "Ookay then, what's wrong with you?"

"I would strongly suggest you keep Loki's past out of your little jokes," you deadpanned, still glaring. You uncrossed your arms, taking a step forward. "If you think he's bad when he's upset, then you will never be prepared for when I'm upset. Do you understand?" By then, you were stood directly in front of him, and you could see the gulp he took before answering.

"Crystal," he practically squeaked.

"Perfect," you told him, a wicked smile on your face that could equally match Loki's. With that, you turned and practically flounced away, phone in hand as you dialed a nearby pizza place. You loved Loki, even if he could be sensitive, and hell would freeze over before you let anyone make him feel insecure for it.

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