Rain - Tom Hiddleston Imagine

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It's been pouring all day where I live so I thought I'd write some fluffy rainy weather stuff. I might do some more Tom Hiddleston ones (my friend chose for this one to be Tom), but I don't know yet. Should I start writing these in first person from the reader's point of view? And as always, I hope you enjoy!

You woke up wrapped in the covers of your bed. You could hear the soft patter of the rain as it came down. It wasn't pouring yet, but you could tell it was getting ready to. You reached out for your boyfriend, searching for his warmth. You patted his side of the bed and found nothing. "Tom?" you called as you sat up.

"Yes, (y/n)? I'm in the kitchen, love," Tom responded.

"What are you doing?" You asked.

"Making a cup of tea, would you like one?" He replied. You giggled a bit. Of course he was making tea, he always liked one on days like this.

"Yes please, but come back to bed," you said. You heard Tom's laughter from the kitchen before looking out the window to the view of London. It was truly breathtaking, the different buildings and the top of the London Eye peaking out from behind them. You thought back to how you and Tom had even met.

You were a crew member for the movie Thor when you first saw him. He was dressed as Loki, as they were starting to film some of the scenes taking place in Asgard. You didn't have much time to look though, the lighting and camera crews needed help. You were always running around, fetching actors for their scenes, helping get the lighting and camera positions just right.

"(Y/n), go get Mr. Hiddleston, he's needed for makeup," your boss had told you. You nodded before rushing to his dressing room. You took a deep breath before knocking.

"Mr. Hiddleston? You need to report to makeup," you called. As you were about to turn away, the door opened, revealing the significantly taller man.

He was breathtaking, and you quickly looked down to avoid staring. "Thank you so much, darling," he said. "What's your name? I've seen you around the set but never caught it," he said.

"Oh, I'm (y/n). I'm a crew member, kinda run around and help a bit everywhere. I think they'll be waiting for you, Mr. Hiddleston," you replied, looking at him quickly.

"Of course. And (y/n)?"

"Yes, Mr. Hiddleston?"

"Call me Tom," he replied with a wink and grin before walking off. You could feel your face flush as you watched him go.

"What are you thinking about, my darling?" Tom asked as he sat down on the bed, bringing you out of your thoughts.

"Nothing," you replied, taking the cup of tea he handed you. You took a sip and rejoiced at the warmth. "Perfect as always," you said as you lifted the blankets, inviting him in.

"What do you want to do today? I have a break from set, so I'm all yours," he said as he got in next to you.

"Could we watch a film? I really don't feel like going out today," you replied, snuggling into his warmth.

"Whatever you want, (y/n)," he replied. "I'm guessing you want to watch (f/m)," he said as he wrapped his arm around you.

"You know me too well, Thomas," you joked. Tom moved to go put on the movie but you snuggled closer to him.

"Come on love, I need to get up to put on the film," he said. With a sigh, you released him. After he put on the movie, you returned to your previous position.

"I just love the rain," you said as the movie started. "The noise is so comforting."

"It is," Tom agreed. He put his cup down and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against his body. You leaned into the embrace, putting your cup down with his. You watched the film, enjoying every second that you saw. Soon enough, between the warmth from Tom and the soft sound of the rain, you dozed off.

You didn't wake until you felt Tom move you to a laying position. You yawned a bit as you opened your eyes. "Hello," you said softly, looking at Tom.

"Hello yourself. I didn't mean to wake you, sorry love," he said as he pulled you back into his arms.

"It's alright," you said, snuggling into his chest.

"I love you, (y/n)," he said as he placed a kiss to the top of your head.

"I love you too, Tom," you replied, listening to the rain and his heartbeat. On rainy days like this, you wished you could stay that way forever.

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