Chapter -37

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"OH MY GOD I BECAME AN UNCLE!"- Jin screamed on the video call as Fiona groaned due to his screaming.

The boys and girls on the other side of the screen laughed as they showed the baby's sleeping face.

" Jin!!! You have to come to our wedding! It's on next week!"- Tae said cheerfully.

Jin looked Down sadly.

"I can't Tae... I have to study for our final term... And Fio also have to.."- Jin said as Fio smiled sadly.

" But hyunggggg"-Tae whined.

"Don't force them bro "-Juli patted his hair like a child.

Tae pouted as they all chuckled.

"Give me the baby"-Elie took the baby From Jimin's arms as Kook and she started to adore her.

" We are gonna have a little princess like her so soon honey.... Just wait till Tae's marriage... "-Kook whispered on Elie's ear as she death glared at him.

"Pervert! "-she mumbled while rolling eyes.

Suddenly Elie got a call from someone.

" Ah hello... Yep.. It's Elie talking. May i know who Are you?"-She mumbled as Jungkook put on all ears beside her hair.

"Omg Sehun?! Yes yess I'm free today! Where do you wanna meet up?!"- Elie smiled widely.

Jungkook's eyes widen as he heard "Sehun".

" From where did that bastard got her number...?"-He asked to himself with wide eyes.

"Ok byeee see ya then"-Elie hanged up.

"What does he want?"-Kook said with a very dangerous low tone.

"Oh we Will meet up later "-Elie smiled.

" No."-Jungkook said while clenching his wrist.


"Cause i said so."

"You Don't have any right to tell me that and he is my bestfriend!"-Elie folded her arms on her chest.

" I have every right to say that cause you are mine"-Kook Said while coming dangerously closer to her in the process of clenching teeth.

"I'm not an object!"

"You're my Princess! I will not let him take you away from me!"-He yelled catching Everyone's attention.

"That Doesn't mean that I'll have to listen to whatever Shit you want! "-she spatted back.

" Elie Don't taste my nerve. When i said no then it means no."-Kook said while turning back to her.

"Who the fuck are you to tell me no?! My parents?! And I'm an adult so i have every right to take my own decision!"- Elie said sarcastically.

Kook instantly turned around and banged her against the wall.

" I swear if you Don't listen to my words then i also know my ways honey..."-Kook said while clenching his jaw in anger as he walked away from the room.

"Why is he like that?!"-Elie screamed after he left.

" Elie... What Kook does is for the best of you... And i Don't think that Sehun is a good guy either"-Jimin says slowly.

"Oh shut up you jamless guy!"-Elie's said as tears formed in her eyes due to anger.

Jimin stays quite as he knows that Elie's anger is so much dangerous.

" Elie... Don't be mad.... Kook is just like that you know? He is just protective...."-Rose tried to make her understand.

"Protective my foot! He just sees me as a property"-Elie scoffed in reply.

They all stayed quite as Jin and Fiona ended the call realising danger.

Elie glared at everyone and left the house heading towards her own.

"This girl.... "-Juli sighs.

Kitties 💖💜💞💕

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Kitties 💖💜💞💕

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