Chapter -38💫

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People’s laughter only increases as the time tickles more and more. Everyone with a glass of tequila in their hands sharing all their happy smiles on this peaceful gathering. Some people talking with their knows ones,some children running and giggling.... Such a perfect situation for uniting two youth souls for forever.

Setting up the glasses organisedly Juli looked up at her soulmate whom she promised to marry one day and she is gonna keep it at any cost.

Smiling little as her partner was furrowing eyebrows while looking at the beautiful pillar of glasses he made.

"I Didn't know i was that handsome and that talented at organising glasses so you can keep staring if You want"-Jimin giggles still not looking up from eying the glasses attentively in case he needs to re-organise it.

" To be honest i Didn't know either. "

"What?"-Jimin looks at her partner who wad admiring him with a sparkling eye.

" Jimin i Don't know why are you caring... Like everytime i do something wrong you take it so calmly and made me realise i did something wrong without showing any signs of anger... How do you manage to do that?"- She said while chuckling.

"Why are you suddenly asking this Jul?"-Jimin laughs as his eyes disappears.

" Don't laugh. Just get angry with me when i do something wrong ok? Don't be so good to me all the time. Throw a tantrum if i do wrong. Promise me"-Juli said while holding his hands.

"Juli... I can't... You mean so much to me. I can't get angry with you even if i want. Yes sometimes i get hurt by your behaviours but i Don't show it cause i know that you will eventually say sorry to me when you realise what you did was wrong. I just wait for that time patiently. You behave sometimes like child and that's because you have a pure soul"-Jimin smiles softly while holding back her hands.

" I love you so much Jimin... I can't afford to lose you ever...."-Juli wraps her arms around his precious mochi man.

"Do you think i will let you loose me? Honey You're stuck with me for your whole life. You better accept that."-Jimin laughs as he said a cheesy line.

"Neither am i complaining. Not gonna lie but if i could i would marry you here instead of attending wedding of Rose and Taehyung"-Juli laughs as she pulls away from the hug.

" Well we can do that. More weddings more fun you know?"-Jimin winked at her as she came closer towards her ear. "And... Wedding night is more fun than wedding honey"-He whispered softly while blowing a wind there causing Juli to shiver.

Neither of them talked for some moments as Juli felt nervous for some reasons not until Jimin broke in a fit of laughter.

"Oh my Gosh! Juli you look so much funnier when you are flustered"-Jimin continued laughing while clutching his stomach.

" Yah! You son of a bitch! Just wait!"-Juli was About to run After Jimin but stopped as she realised that she is wearing a fucking Gown!

"HAHAHAHAHA! Lol you can't catch me cause my little princess is wearing a gown. Bye then. Gonna go flirt with some pretty ladies as you can't catch me!"-Jimin ran away from there before Juli could throw her heels at her.

" This son of a fucking bastard. Just let this wedding finish. Then You'll see!"-Juli rolled her eyes before stoming with her gown towards Rose's room.

"I Don't fucking know why do they select Both of us at receiving guests and gifts "-Elie gritted her teeth as she rolled her eyes in annoyance while eyeing her beloved boyfriend.

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