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Hyunsuk's 1st House in Cornwell, United Kingdom

Heeyoung opened her eyes and felt a heavy arm across her body. She looked to her side and saw Hyunsuk still sleeping soundly next to her. Her hand found it's way to his hair and felt his soft, brown hair in between her fingers. A small smile tried to escape her lips as she caught a glimpse of the platinum silver ring on her finger.

Wow, I'm engaged. She thought.

She carefully removed his arm on her and stood up from the bed. Her feet met the cold and stained wooden plank floor in the master bedroom as she walked going to the bathroom to wash up and brush her teeth. After her usual morning routine, she decided to explore more of the house.

Heeyoung felt like she would get used to her surroundings if she was more familiar on where she's staying. She went downstairs and saw the reception hall filled with pretty interior designs. There were so many rooms in the house and she didn't know where to start off, so she decided to go to the living room. The usual furniture were there: the long couch, coffee table, fireplace, and decorations that make the area more beautiful.

As she walked around the area and admired the details of it, she took notice of the photo frames placed on top of the fireplace. One had a picture of him and his parents when he was a baby, his two younger siblings were not born yet. Another one was a family picture as well and they were finally complete, his parents, him, his younger brother, and younger sister.

The larger frame that was placed in the middle was different, his grandparents and some other family members were present. It must be a picture of him and his cousins cause she recognized one of them when she met her at a birthday dinner. The only cousin that she was familiar of was carrying a baby girl while Hyunsuk was sitting on the floor with a baby boy.

Heeyoung couldn't help but think that one day she would be part of these family pictures when they get married. They would also have a family picture of their own once they have a child.

The two other pictures were graduation pictures of Hyunsuk and his best friends, Dohyun, Byounggon, and Insung. A sudden memory came to mind when she remembered how they helped him confess to her back when they were in high school. Her favorite romance movie played for the film showing and right in the middle of it, Hyunsuk talked thru the mic just to say the same lines as the actor. Movie lines that were for confessing. Although it was sweet, she hated public confessions and turned him down in private.

After her short reminiscing of the past, she went out of the living room and moved to the mini art gallery that had paintings and artworks that were bought by Hyunsuk or he made himself. It was really just a place for viewing purposes but it also served as an area where he would make these works of art to unleash his creative side. Some paint splatters were even present on the off-white walls.

Heeyoung passed by the open door of the mini gallery to go to the library but she saw some people enter the front door, Hyunsuk's driver, two kids, and two nannies.

"Nanny Hyejin, I wanna play with my toys already!" The young boy looked up at his nanny in excitement.

"We can play with them later." She replied.

She observed them and realized that the two kids were twins. Despite them having different genders, it was clear to see that they were identical. The kids, along with their nannies, walked to the staircase which was just next to the mini gallery. The four of them saw her standing right at the doorway and the nannies gave her a polite bow.

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