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Heeyoung's Studio Apartment in Gangnam

Heeyoung stared at her reflection in the mirror as she fixed her long sleeved shirt. Her phone rang abruptly and she already sensed it was time to go. She picked up the phone and answered.

"Hello, I'm already dressed."

A chuckle was heard through the other end. "Early as always, baby. I'm here already."

"Alright, see you." She dropped the call and placed her phone back inside her tote bag. After double-checking if her keys, wallet, and scrunchie were inside, she left her apartment and went downstairs.

Hyunsuk's car was parked outside and she quickly entered the passenger's side. "Hello." She greeted him.

"Hi baby," He greeted her with a smile. "Sei, go and say hi to your Auntie."

Heeyoung was surprised and looked back to see Sei sitting in her car seat alone while holding a stuffed animal. "Hello Auntie." She politely greeted as Hyunsuk started driving.

"Hello, Sei." She greeted back with a small smile. "Where's Haruto?"

"He's with my parents, him and Sei were supposed to go home 2 days ago but he wanted to extend so only Sei is with me now."

"Hmm, he must be enjoying there." She nodded her head in understanding.

"Are you guys hungry? Do you want some food?" Hyunsuk asked.

"Daddy, I want toast." Sei softly said.

"Toast? What toast?"

"Double cheese potato please." She lowered her head cause she was getting shy. He could see through the rearview mirror and chuckled at her cute actions.

"Okay, let's get some toast." He said. "How about you?" He quickly glanced at Heeyoung.

"I guess I'll have the same order."

"Good choice."

They arrived in front of a small toast shop that looked more like a stall. "Wait here." Hyunsuk instructed, just when Heeyoung was about to remove her seatbelt.

She nodded her head and stayed put again as Hyunsuk went down. Only Sei and Heeyoung were left in the car and an awkward silence filled the atmosphere just like last time. She wanted to check Sei through the rearview mirror but she knew that it would just cause more tension.

Thankfully, Hyunsuk came back holding paper bags in his hands as he entered. He handed Heeyoung a bottle of water and placed two cups of who knows what in the cup holders. "Here." He gave a paper bag to Heeyoung and another to Sei.

"Sei, careful okay? It's still hot." Hyunsuk told her. She nodded her head and just held on to the bag.

They drove off and went to the wedding venue that they're about to check, Walkerhill Seoul.

"Hello Mr. Choi, Ms. Chi, and little Sei." Jia, their wedding planner, greeted them.

"Nice to see you again, Jia." Hyunsuk shook her hand.

"Nice to see you too." She said. "Shall we get started?"

Heeyoung nodded her head. They followed Jia as they walked towards the events place. "We have 5 venues in here that you can check. The first one we're going to is the Vista Hall which has a view of the city across Hangang River."

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