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Indigo and Heeyoung entered the room of the twins. It was cold and silent inside since they were still sleeping. Jaehyuk was seated at the couch near the window overlooking the city lights of Seoul. When he noticed the two enter, he stood up and greeted them with a bow. 

Heeyoung looked at Indigo who seemed a bit surprised to see how the kids' biological father looked like. "Indie, this is Jaehyuk. He's uhm... their father." She introduced him in a soft voice, making sure that they won't wake up.

The two of them bowed to each other and even shook hands. "Nice to meet you, my name is Indigo. I'm a friend of Heeyoung." He nodded politely and gave her a small smile. "You and Sei have a striking resemblance. Haruto also has some angles that look like you." 

Jaehyuk blushed at her statement. "Thanks, it's the first time someone told me that." 

They all took a seat in the small seating area inside, Heeyoung sitting beside Jaehyuk while Indigo sat alone on the armchair. "How are they?" Indigo asked while looking at the two who were sleeping soundly.

"They have a lot of cuts and wounds cause of the glass shards. Thankfully there's not much to worry about. The doctor mentioned that they might feel distressed when they wake up and have multiple body aches." Jaehyuk answered with a sad tone in his voice.

"Poor little babies... Haruto has low pain tolerance so I suggest that you ready yourselves for seeing him in a lot of pain." Indigo pouted. "I babysat him last year and Sei scratched him on the cheek, he cried for around 30 minutes cause he said it hurt a lot." 

"Ah, he's like Wakumi." Jaehyuk chuckled. "How about Sei? Does she have low pain tolerance too?" 

"Oh no, it's like she's made of stone. Haruto hit her with a small frying pan once and my husband was the one in shock. It was a strong hit but she acted like nothing happened." 

They laughed at the story. "I know that they're chaotic but why does it seem like they're even more hard to handle when they're with you and Jihoon?" Heeyoung asked with a chuckle.

"J-Jihoon?" Jaehyuk was surprised to hear the name. "Your husband is Jihoon?"

Indigo looked at him and nodded. "Yup, Park Jihoon."

"I-Is he coming here? I really need to talk to him about Wakumi..."

She pursed her lips and remembered that he wasn't only the twins' biological father, but also Wakumi's ex-boyfriend.

"Of course you can, I'm pretty sure you have a lot to talk about." Indigo smiled at him apologetically.

Right on time, the door slowly creaked open and Jihoon entered. But it wasn't only him.

"Uhm, hey guys. Police and lawyers are here." He said.

Heeyoung and Jaehyuk looked at each other and signalled for them to come in. Only one officer and the lawyer entered, assuming that they were the one's in charge. Jihoon signalled Indigo for them to leave the room, leaving them inside.

"Good evening, you must be Mr. Yoon. The biological father of the kids, if I'm correct?" The police officer asks.

Jaehyuk nods his head. "Yes sir."

"We would like to inform you that we need to interrogate them when they are capable of answering our questions. You can monitor while it's ongoing."

"But isn't it a little too hard for 5 year olds to answer such questions? Are you sure they'll comply?" He worries.

"We have trained people who specializes interrogation with kids. They'll answer." The officer tells him.

"Mr. Yoon, this can be of good help towards your case. If it shows that the other party isn't responsible enough to care for them, you'll have the kids in no time." His lawyer speaks up.

"But if this is a complete accident then it has nothing to do in helping you with your case." The officer reminds her.

A sigh escapes Jaehyuk's lips. "I just don't want them to be stressed out with the situation, both physically and mentally. They're kids, they shouldn't be pressured to do things like this."

"How did you find out that they were caught in an accident?" The lawyer asks.

"Jaehyuk just brought me home from Sei and Haruto's school. I turned on the news and saw the headline so I rushed to his car again." Heeyoung answered.

The police officer was intrigued with the information he was getting and listened attentively. "Wait, why were you there?"

"Let's just say I missed the twins a lot and told Jae that we should go visit..."

"Then what happened?" The lawyer asked.

"Hyunsuk saw us and got mad." Once Jaehyuk answered, the officer immediately took out his notepad and wrote what he just found out.

"This could be a piece of evidence." The lawyer's eyes lit up as she looked at the police officer.

"As an officer, I'm not taking sides here. Just make sure that your so called evidences can actually prove something."

"Well we can make assumptions, what if he was so mad that he did reckless driving while the kids were around?" She excitedly said.

The officer sighed. "Yeah okay." He closed his notepad. "Still, we need a statement from the twins to see if it can prove anything. I'll be on standby here so if they wake up, tell me if they're alright so we can proceed with the interrogation."

"Sure will, Officer Huang." The excited lawyer gave him a firm salute with a smile on her face.

Officer Huang rolled his eyes and scoffed. "I'm a police officer not a military officer, Attorney Moon."

"Anyways, I'll get going now." He stood up and waved at them while they said goodbye to him.

Once he was out the door, Jaehyuk chuckled. "Is that the officer you've been crushing on?"

"Fuck yeah, he's hot."

Heeyoung smiled a bit after seeing how Jaehyuk's lawyer is.

"Sooo basically, as I always say, let's chill and let time do all the magic. For now, just wish that your kiddie meals wake up in a decent state so we can let a child psychologist check for any possible traumas before questioning them." Attorney Moon tells them.

"I have a genuine question though." Heeyoung speaks up. "How big is the chance that Jae gets the kids even without this accident happening?"

"85%. I'm saying this as an unbiased lawyer. If he loses this case, it's either number one: it's because Hyunsuk's a rich and influential person, number two: the court may have personal connections with the other party, or number three: they're too lazy to assess the full situation and just give it to the someone they know better."

Heeyoung sighs. "What's making Jae win the case though?"

"He's the biological father and the twins' mother is wack shit for fucking up the situation."

Jaehyuk flicks her forehead. "Ow?! I'm just being honest here, this wouldn't have happened if she just remained honest."

"Still, that's my ex you're talking about. Shh."

"Okay okay fine, I'm gonna play the mature and professional lawyer starting right now." She fixes her posture.

"He has a big chance of winning since he's their biological father. The situation that their biological mother caused is fixed, now that we know they're Jaehyuk's. Thus, Jaehyuk has the right to take care of them."

"But what about their documents that state they're Hyunsuk's?"

"Documents and legal data are easy to fix. What matters is that we know who the real father is and who they should stay with."

In between their conversation, they suddenly heard grunts. Haruto was squirming in his bed and his eyes slowly fluttered open. Just like some sort of connection, Sei wakes up too but unlike her twin, she stays silent.

"I'll go get the doctor." Attorney Moon tells them before heading out.

She was right, time really does it's magic.

pls dont judge me for the whole lawyer and case thing i really have no idea what goes on irl so pls remember that this is fictional T__T

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