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Jaehyuk and Heeyoung entered the elevator going down. The 30-second ride was tense as no one wanted to say anything. Before getting out, Heeyoung finally talked. 

"Let's go to the nearby cafe." She said before walking out first. Jaehyuk closely followed as he wasn't familiar with the streets of Seoul that much. He carefully stayed behind her while walking.

Heeyoung looked back to see if he was still following. "Walk next to me, are you scared?" She chuckled.

He smiled apologetically before walking next to her. "Sorry, I thought you were mad." They turned left and entered the cafe. 

The aroma of the coffee beans filled their senses as they walked up to the counter. "What do you want?" She asked him.

"Oh no, I'm fine." He says.

"Okay," She says and orders. "One iced tea and one iced americano please." The staff punches in her order before giving her the receipt. They thanked each other and once again, Heeyoung led the way to a seat near the window.

They positioned themselves comfortably in their chairs. Jaehyuk was nervous to even look at Heeyoung, he knew that she was intimidating but she looked even scarier now cause of her gloomy mood.

"So uhm, I don't even know what to ask. Just fill me in on stuff." She lowly said.

"Oh uh..." Jaehyuk gulped for a moment before speaking. "I went to Mr. Choi's building a few weeks ago after finding out that he was taking care of my kids."

Heeyoung looked up at him when he referred to the twins as his kids. Although it felt uncomfortable, if it was the truth then she had no choice but to hear him out. 

"How did you find out? That they were your kids, I mean." She asked curiously.

He took a deep breath. "For years I've spent millions just to look for them... I've hired multiple private investigators just to help me find the two. I finally got the chance to know that they're still alive and under the care of someone who's capable of raising them. The day we were together in Everland, I got a phone call from the investigator that he found them."

"I went to visit him as soon as I can, everyone told me that he was kind but it seems like I triggered him a lot by mentioning the kids." His smile faded. "I want to meet them and be with them, I was already robbed of seeing them grow up for 5 years. I don't wanna miss out on more." 

For some reason, Heeyoung felt emotional. Her eyes were tearing up but thankfully the barista brought their orders to the table which made her hold back. "Thank you." She said to the barista before she left.

Heeyoung placed the iced americano in front of Jaehyuk and took a quick sip from her iced tea. "Thanks for this." He bowed slightly before drinking.

A short silence erupted between them. "Those people weren't wrong when they said that Hyunsuk is a kind person. He just can't help but be sensitive when it comes to the twins, he loves them a lot." Heeyoung told him. 

Jaehyuk smiled slightly. "That's good to hear." He took a sip from his drink. "If you don't mind me asking... how did you deal with it after finding out he had children?"

She was suddenly taken aback by the question. "I-I... well... I'm not really good with kids but I knew that I had to try and connect with them at least. I didn't want to be a rude stepmother just like in the movies." She chuckled lightly.

"How are they though? What are their personalities? What do they like?" 

Heeyoung smiled. "Haruto is such a sweet kid, he's very talkative and likes dinosaurs. Sei, on the other hand, is the opposite. She's super shy but she's caring. They both love ice cream by the way." They both laughed.

"It's nice that Wakumi still named our son after Haruto Uzumaki." Jaehyuk chuckled.

"Who?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"The son of Naruto? Haruto's the brother of Boruto and Himawari?" He chuckled again.

"I don't understand that reference but I know now that his name was derived from an anime." They laughed.

"Yeah, Wakumi loved Naruto so much. I actually expected her to name Sei as Himawari since that was what we talked about..." He had a small smile on his face.

Heeyoung looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry about Wakumi." 

He sighed. "It's been a long time since I heard that." He chuckled but his eyes were tearing up. All that she could do was look at him. "Aish, what's with this sad mood." He kept trying to cover up his sadness by laughing.

Heeyoung felt bad for him. "Jaehyuk... I can't promise you that you'll get the kids but I'll try my best to help you out. I can assure you that the best I can do is encourage Hyunsuk to plan out a situation that's fit for all of you."

He looked up at her with sad but hopeful eyes. "Thank you, Heeyoung. I appreciate it, really."

"No problem, I just don't want to take sides. I don't wanna be biased when I know that there's more to it than just Hyun's feelings," She looked down at her drink and got a glimpse of the time on her watch. "Oh it's getting quite late, I still need to go somewhere."

"O-Oh okay." Jaehyuk said.

"I need to go, enjoy your coffee." Heeyoung said while standing up to leave.

"Bye, thanks again." They bid each other farewell as she left the cafe.

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