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"What?" Hyunsuk answered the phone in an annoyed tone.

"Miss Chi has arrived at home with Mr. Yoon, Sir." One of his bodyguards that he sent to Yongin reported to him the current situation.

He stood up from his seat. "What? Why is he there?"

"Apparently, he lives in Yongin too. He owns a house around the neighborhood."

Hyunsuk didn't bother to say goodbye and ended the call. "Damn it!" He slammed his phone on the table and pushed his hair back in frustration.

He sat back down again carelessly and looked at the framed picture of him, Heeyoung, and the kids on his table.

He can't have my family. He's never going to have them.

The anger he felt led him to pick up his phone and call Heeyoung again even if they weren't together anymore. She wasn't picking up and it was just ringing.

"Pick up the phone for fuck's sake." He mumbled.

He ended the call and tried again, he couldn't let this slide. After multiple rings, she finally answered.

"Hello? Heeyoung?" He only heard silence through the other line.

"Heeyoung, if you can hear me please say something." He could feel the tears coming but he wasn't going to cry, not today.

"Look, if you don't want to talk to me then fine. At least just listen to me. Stay away from that Jaehyuk guy or I'll make sure he stays away from you. I don't know what he's fucking plotting but he really is trying to break our family apart."

Still, she didn't answer him.

"I'm not gonna let him get you or the twins, he must be delusional to think that it's easy to just get the three of you in a snap. If I see him I'm gonna punch him to dea–"

"If you called me to talk shit about a person then I'm ending the call." She finally said something. "The only thing Jaehyuk wants is to take the responsibility of being a father to his children now that he found them."

This time, it was Hyunsuk who couldn't utter a word.

"I know that you can't accept what's happening but at least have some respect for the people involved in it." She ended the call and their conversation ended.

He gulped and carefully placed his phone on the table again. Everytime Heeyoung tells him something, she's always right. But what can he do? His pride is taking a toll on him and he can't just give up on the kids.

Hyunsuk was persistent, too persistent to be exact. He called her once again to test his luck, it was a good thing she answered.

"What is it again this time?" She tried hiding her annoyance but he could easily tell it by the tone of her voice.

"What can I do to make you come back to me?" He asked in desperation.

Heeyoung paused for a moment and it went silent. "Tell me what I can do, please."

"Sober up and get yourself together. Stop making reckless decisions and saying stuff that you'll regret later."


"Is that all you want to tell me? If you try calling again later I'm blocking your number."

"I love you." He said with a sniffle and waited for her to say it back.

"Bye." She dropped the call immediately.

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