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Royal Drop Main Building

"Come on Hyunsuk, pick up." Dohyun impatiently walked back and forth in the hallway while the meeting room door was open, making sure that the visitor was still inside.

The call was dropped and he sighed. He recieved a message from the front-desk manager that the CEO was already in the building. Dohyun entered the meeting room again and awkwardly talked to their unexpected guest.

"Ahm, Mr. Choi is here already. He'll be meeting you in a few minutes." He gave a small smile.

Dohyun walked back out of the meeting room and peeked at the elevator area to wait for Hyunsuk. Just in time, the elevator doors opened to reveal the CEO with a serious face on. Dohyun rushed towards him and they had a short conversation in the hallway.

"What's happening? Who's the person anyways?" Hyunsuk furrowed his eyebrows.

"Just uh, don't freak out. You should hear it from him." Dohyun gulped as they entered the meeting room.

Hyunsuk finally got to see who it was. A tall, soft-looking guy stood up from his chair and he gave a polite bow. "Hello Mr. Choi, I'm sorry for messing up your schedule but I really need to talk to you as soon as I can." He apologetically smiled.

"Uh it's okay, sit down please," Hyunsuk motioned for him to sit while he sat across the guy. "So Mister..."

"Mr. Yoon, Yoon Jaehyuk." He introduced himself with a small smile.

"Alright, Mr. Yoon. What brings you here? What's so urgent for you to come and see me as soon as possible?" Hyunsuk looked at him straight in the eye and leaned on the table with his hands clasped together.

Jaehyuk sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about... your kids," He looked like he was uncomfortable saying it but proceeded. "T-They're..."

He had a hard time saying it. "Do you need some water? You can just tell me directly." Hyunsuk told him.

"No sorry it's fine," Jaehyuk cleared his throat. "Y-Your kids are uhm, they're not yours... they're mine." He cautiously said.

Hyunsuk snorted and laughed. "Are you serious bro? You came here just to tell me a joke?"

"I'm not lying, just please listen to-"

"How can they be yours? I was there even when they weren't born yet." He continued laughing.

"Can you please hear me out-"

"I doubt that what you're saying is even true. Are you high? Dude, we could get you to a rehab center don't worry." He said in a reassuring tone.

"Sir please-"

"Damn Hyunsuk, can you shut the fuck up for a moment and listen to him?" Dohyun snapped at him.

Hyunsuk was surprised at his friend's actions and decided to stop. "Alright, I'm sorry."

"Thank you, finally." Dohyun said and motioned for Jaehyuk to continue.

He gave a thankful nod to Dohyun and started. "I'm Wakumi's boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend now that she's gone." After Hyunsuk heard her name, his head snapped back up and paid attention to what he was saying.

"The twins are my kids... I still remember the day she told me she was pregnant." Jaehyuk felt a lump in his throat and gulped.

"Me and Wakumi weren't in good terms for around 2 weeks at that time, I was telling her that she shouldn't work overtime at school and tutor kids after class everyday. One day she just broke down inbetween our argument and told me that the reason why she works so hard is because she doesn't want our kids to lack any of their necessities." The tears in his eyes were slowly starting to fall.

"I asked her what she was talking about and she told me she was pregnant with twins. Even if she was crying, she told me with a sweet smile on her face."

"Happiness isn't even the right word to describe what I felt when I found out I was going to be a dad... I just don't know what happened 2 weeks after she told me. She became distant... I'm guessing it's because of you?"

Hyunsuk avoided eye contact with him. "I think you should leave now." He said in a serious tone.

"What do you mean? So now that you know they're not yours, we're just gonna leave it that way? I wanna be able to see them, hangout with them. They're my kids anyways." Jaehyuk told him in confusion.

Silence erupted between them and he wasn't having it. "At least say something, please."

Hyunsuk was feeling so frustrated and he banged his fist on the table causing Dohyun and Jaehyuk to jolt up in surprise. "You can't just enter my building and tell me shit like this when you don't have any proof!" He yelled.

"How the hell would I have any proof? Should I resurrect my dead girlfriend to tell you the truth? Sneak into your house and grab strands of hair from their brushes for a DNA test just like in the movies?" He scoffed. "If you didn't ask me to leave right now, I would've asked you in a nice way for a DNA test."

He felt quite embarrassed cause Jaehyuk had a point. With his pride still left in him, he brushed off the embarrassment. "Alright, let's do a DNA test. I'm a hundred percent confident that I'm their father."

"It's settled then, I'll be in contact with you. I gave my number to your secretary," Jaehyuk reffered to Dohyun. "Thank you for allowing me to meet with you, I'll go now."

He walked out of the meeting room to leave the building. Hyunsuk, on the other hand, was left at a daze. He pinched the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes. "How the hell does he have the nerve to enter my building just to tell me that the twins are his? He's sick in the head!" He yelled and pushed his hair backwards.

Dohyun rolled his eyes and scoffed. "He has the guts to enter here cause his pregnant girlfriend was lost 2 weeks after she told him about the pregnancy. Whether the twins are his or not, we both know that the reason why is because of you."

He avoided the gaze of his friend and gulped. "I don't think you know anything about what happened."

Dohyun chuckled. "Hyunsuk, stop acting stupid. Oh and don't be a hypocrite too. It's not like Wakumi didn't do the same thing and just knocked on your apartment door while claiming that you were the dad of her kids." He walked out of the meeting room and left him inside.

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