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"Please make sure that everything is fixed. Mr. Choi is almost here." Dohyun instructed the cleaning team that he hired for Hyunsuk's return. Eventually, they started packing up and leaving the room one by one.

It has been two weeks that he was on a "holiday". He didn't go to work nor did he even try to answer business calls. Dohyun knew that he needed it and took over some of the work that he can handle. On a chilly Wednesday morning, he's finally back which made Dohyun anxious.

He nervously tapped his foot while looking back and forth at his phone and the elevator doors. A few minutes later, it finally opened and Hyunsuk came into view. He had two bodyguards at his back and he looked more proper and fresh unlike the last time they saw each other.

Hyunsuk had a new haircut and he had the scent of strong men's perfume and aftershave. His suit was smoothly ironed and wrinkles weren't even in sight. A small smile came to his face as he spotted his best friend.

"Hey Dohyun!" He gave him a bro hug and patted his back.

"Hyunsuk– I mean, Mr. Choi, it's nice to see you again." The anxiety that Dohyun felt was washed away when he finally got to see that he was at a better state.

Hyunsuk peeked at his office which had the door wide open. "Oh you had my office cleaned, that's nice."

"Yeah, I didn't want you to come back to a messy room. You might yell at me the first time you see me." They both laughed and entered the office, leaving the two bodyguards alone outside.

The boss sat down on his chair and took a breath of relief. "It feels nice to be back here."

"No shit, loser. Do you want me to show you how much stuff needs to be signed and approved by you? These investors and partners are bickering at me to pass all of the documents to you!" Dohyun whisper-yelled so his guards won't suddenly barge in.

"Dude, chill. I'm here now and I'll go through them one by one. For now, I'm setting my priorities straight." Hyunsuk says calmly. 

"And what do you plan to do now?" He sits down on the armrest of the couch with his arms folded.

"I want to set up a meeting with Mr. Yoon Jaehyuk. We need to have a proper conversation about the Haruto and Sei. We need to settle this as soon as possible cause they wanna come back home already, they can't arrive here with a chaotic situation." He clasps his hands together and leans towards the desk.

Dohyun's eyes widened. "Wow, what did those two weeks do to you? This is Hyunsuk 3.0!" He laughs and claps his hands.

"Aish, I just tried not acting like shit for once. I'm doing this for the sake of everyone involved. We're all having a hard time just because of how I'm acting." 

"You finally got smacked in the head, I was supposed to do that for you." Dohyun joked around. "Anyways, I'll go and call him. Start working on those approvals, dickhead." He stood up and walked out while fixing his coat.

Hyunsuk turned on his computer and started reading his e-mails. His mind was now at a more focused state and he made sure to attend to each concern and request from the senders. The files on his table were also checked one by one and signed when needed.

He stayed like that for hours and only stopped when his phone alarm rang as a sign for his lunch break. "What the heck, I've been working for 5 hours?" Hyunsuk furrowed his eyebrows as he saw the time.

The CEO immediately stood up and stretched his arms. He wanted to eat lunch at the Michelin star restaurant nearby but he suddenly remembered Heeyoung's advice to just eat in the building's cafeteria. Although she wasn't around, he wanted to do it for a change.

Before opening the door to leave his office, he had a random thought about her and decided to leave her a text message.

Hey, have you eaten lunch? I hope you don't skip your meals! :)

He was quite hesitant to send it but just continued. Who knows, maybe they'll make up sooner or later.

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