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UNlock FM Radio Station

"This has been Chi Heeyoung and that's it for today's Luna and Sol. Have a good morning and continue to rise just like Sol does." Heeyoung said through the mic and played the advertisment for the next radio show. She turned off her mic and took off her headphones now that she's done with work.

She sighed and leaned backwards on her chair, stretching her arms after 8 hours of sitting down and talking on the radio. It's definitely tiring to continue talking while no one listens that much cause they would fall asleep to her calming voice that just shares stories the entire time. Of course it helps people to fall asleep at once but it would've been easier to just do podcasts than hold a live show.

Heeyoung took a sip of water from her sage green tumbler and stood up to get her sling bag. "I'll be leaving now, goodbye Donghae." She bid farewell to her co-worker who was the next host who was scheduled for the segment.

"Bye, rest well!" He waved goodbye and went back to using his phone.

She went used the elevator to go to the ground floor and went out of the building. The familiar black car was seen out front while Hyunsuk was leaning on the door with his hands in his pockets. "Hey beautiful." He greeted her with a smile.

"Hello." She greeted back with a small smile and gave him a hug. "You're early today."

"I wanted to have some breakfast with you. We're not gonna eat some drive-thru breakfast today though." He opened the door of his car while Heeyoung entered. He quickly jogged to the other side of the car and entered the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?"

"Innisfree Green Cafe." Hyunsuk replied and started driving.

"Don't you have any meetings in the morning?" Heeyoung asked.

"No, they're preparing for the annual shareholders meeting for tomorrow so no meetings."

She nodded her head in response. "After we eat breakfast you should get some sleep okay?" He grabbed her hand and intertwined his fingers with her's while his other hand gripped the steering wheel.

"Yeah, I'm exhausted." Heeyoung sighed.

"Some fluffy pancakes can cheer you up." He chuckled.

They arrived in the cafe shortly after and entered the newly opened shop. Hyunsuk felt more comfortable after seeing that no one was around, just the staff members. He would always be concious with the people around him because sometimes there are paparazzis lurking around and following him for more updates on his life.

Heeyoung sat down on the wooden chair nearby the counter and watched her fiancé order. "Two plates of fluffy pancakes, one iced americano and a bottle of water please." The cashier repeated his order for confirmation and he quickly went back to his seat to wait for their orders.

"You look sleepy." He told Heeyoung.

"Sorry, it's just really hard to keep myself awake when my work schedule is the worst." She sighed and tucked some strands of hair behind her ear.

"I hope you don't have that kind of schedule anymore when we get married, how am I supposed to fall asleep when I know that my wife is at work?"

Heeyoung chuckled. "Luna and Sol is a segment I can't let go of but I know that it's not healthy for me to have this schedule. I'm silently hoping for a change of schedules after 6 months of hosting that show."

"Why don't you just transfer radio stations?"

"I can't just transfer, I've had quite a journey there. I was just an intern back when I was in college, then I became a part-time worker, turned to a full-time radio DJ."

"But how are you gonna keep up with this for the next few months? You'll have health problems if you continue."

"I'm going to try and ask for a switch of shows but I doubt that any of my co-workers would say yes."

"Do you want me to open up your own radio station if they don't say yes? They'll experience pure regret if you do so." Hyunsuk seemed like he was serious with the suggestion.

"No need, I'll be fine. Let me handle it okay?" Heeyoung placed a hand on top of his.

Their food came and the waitress placed their plates down. They quickly thanked her before she left for them to enjoy their food. "Thank you for the food." Heeyoung said her grace and grabbed the knife and fork placed on the side to slice the pancake.

They started eating and a moan escaped Hyunsuk's lips. "Oh my gosh this tastes so good." He said and started cutting more to stuff himself.

Heeyoung smiled at how cute he was and continued eating. Minutes later, he was already done while she still had half a pancake to ear.

"Baby," Hyunsuk called her while wiping his mouth. "I think we should start planning our wedding already."

"Hmm? Are you sure?" She asked. "It's quite early and I don't want to seem too excited but I'm alright with that."

He smiled. "Well I'm excited, really excited to be exact. I want to marry the love of my life already. I would even marry you here right now with these pancakes by our side." The joke made her chuckle.

"Do you have a date in mind? For the wedding?" She took a bite of the pancake.

"Our anniversary?" He suggested. "Cause that's what we usually celebrate every year, if we change it to a different day then we'll probably get confused for the first year."

"I think you're the only one who'll get confused." Heeyoung chuckled.

"Ah yes, of course. You always remember everything." He sighed. "Then any day would be perfect for me as long as I'm getting married to you."

"July 9." She suggested.

"Is there a meaning behind that or is it random?"

"Just random."

"Wait what day is that?" He got his phone from his pocket and checked his calendar. "Saturday, perfect." He had a bright smile on his face.

"So July 9 it is then?" She asked.

He nodded his head. "Let's check some venues on Saturday."

"Sure." She smiled. Heeyoung continued eating and had a question in mind. "Hyun, what do you think Sei and Haruto will think of me? Like, as a step-mom I mean."

"Hmm," He was surprised with the question. "I think they'll like you eventually. They'll just be awkward at first of course but you'll get used to each other and the awkwardness would go away." He took a sip of his coffee.

"Do you think I'll be a good step-mom?"

Hyunsuk thought about it for a while. "I've never seen you with kids so I think you'll have a hard time at first but yeah, you'll be a good step-mom. So far you haven't screamed at them despite the chaos." He chuckled.

She nodded her head and went back to eating. "Look, I know that you might feel a little less confident now that there are kids around but just be yourself. If I was able to fall for you with your unique personality, they'll be able to like you too." Hyunsuk gave her some encouraging words.

Heeyoung sighed. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Now finish your food and let's get going." He smiled.

hello thank you for waiting for the new chapters :) i apologize cause i wasn't able to update last monday, our internet service provider did some maintenance so we only got our internet back today.

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