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Heeyoung rushed to the Royal Drop building, anxious and impatient to hear about what happened from earlier's meeting. She just gave a small wave towards the front desk manager before picking up her pace on the way to the elevator. The ride was slow and her patience was running thin. With a faint ding!, she finally arrived at the floor of her ex-fiance's office. Once she opened the door, she saw what she had already expected: a frustrated CEO and father.

"Hyunsuk." She called out to him. He glanced at her with glassy eyes and she felt bad for him. It seems like things didn't go his way.

She sat down on the couch with him, putting a safe distance between them instead of the usual where she sits as close to him as possible. "How did the meeting go?" Heeyoung knew that it was a dumb question to ask, but she was curious. 

"I lost, Hee," He sniffled. "I lost to that fucking tour guide."

Her eyebrows furrowed and she was confused. "What do you mean you lost? Is this a competition or something?" 

"Yes and I feel so shitty cause he had a hidden card with him all along! Just when I thought I could take control of the situation, he suddenly reveals that he's going to be the CEO of the company that we can't lose our partnership with." Hyunsuk stands up and walks back and forth while explaining. 

She suddenly felt annoyed with his words. "Shouldn't your goal be to work things out with Jaehyuk in parenting the twins and not to take control of things? What the hell were you thinking?"

Hyunsuk was taken aback with her response. He didn't like how it seemed like she was siding with the other CEO. "Are you really taking his side now? You knew about him being a CEO, didn't you?"

Her lips parted at his sudden shift of topic. "I wasn't taking sides, I was questioning the purpose of your meet-"

"No, but you knew huh? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Yes, I knew! Are you happy now?!" Heeyoung snapped at him. "Do you think I would still bother telling you when that's something business related? No offense but I don't wanna associate your personal grudges and business crap towards the kids! Be a fucking father for once, will you?!" 

"You're in no position to tell me to try and be a father to Ruto and Sei!"

"And you're in no position to question me why I never told you about Jaehyuk! I'm your ex-fiance, Hyunsuk!" 

He places a hand over his mouth. "I can't believe it. He's really trying to get everything from me." He turns his back to her and wipes the tears forming in his eyes. "My twins... my girl... he's a stealer."

"Haruto and Sei would be better off with their real father anyways." Heeyoung mumbled but it was loud enough for him to hear. She stands up and grabs her sling bag from the couch to leave but she was suddenly pulled back by him.

"What did you just say?" Hyunsuk asked her with a serious tone. His grip on her got tighter and she winced in pain.

"Loosen your grip if you don't want me to punch you." She threatens him.

He still keeps the same grip on her and she glares at him. "Repeat what you said." 

"The twins would have a better life if they stayed with him. Now let go." Heeyoung growls.

His hand lets go of her wrist. She looks at it with pain in her eyes before proceeding to remove the ring on her finger. The ring was shoved to his chest harshly. "I thought you changed, but I was wrong. You're still so self-centered and you can't set your priorities straight." She finally got to walk out of the door, leaving him alone.

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