Chapter 21

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The week passed and everything went back to the usual. Since my mom, Phil and Sarah went back to California, I was left in my big cold house. Chris and I had been hanging out lately- mostly because he's been bugging the crap out of me. Mace left the hospital and went back to school.

We usually hung out at the cafeteria where Chris was also there. I often see Mace beam at Chris. But I didn't bother to react because who knows why.


The bell rang signaling the end of the third period. I hurriedly went to my locker and searched for my History textbook. I went through it for the third time and still looking for my textbook. Shoot. Mrs.Jovelin usually checked the materials needed for her class. She had this condition that if someone in her class didn't bring the material for class, he or she would have to go through an hour of detention. Apparently, that would be me for the next hour.

I didn't want to go to detention. It's so useless since all I had to do is like sit there for over an hour. I had no time to waste.

I looked around and searched for someone I knew who could lend me their textbook, unfortunately, there was none. I looked around once more to see a very familiar face. He was also putting some things in his locker. I know I knew him somewhere but I can't really remember when, where or how.

I went near him and poked him.

"Hi, um... Would you mind if... um... I could borrow your textbook? I suddenly lost mine and-" before I could finish, he turned around and spoke. "Oh hello there, pretty! I mean Hailey! How are you?"

I know I knew him somewhere! But where? And why can't I remember his name? God. This is so embarassing.

"Um, ha-ha, yeah. I'm doing great." I fake laughed.

I couldn't help but notice that he had a charm. His blonde hair, his gray eyes and his husky voice. He was hot and definitely my type.

"So, need anything?" He asked, leaning on his locker.

Yeah. I need to know your name.

*Bell rings*

I'm late!

"Um yeah, could I borrow your History textbook? I promise I'll-"

Before I could finish talking again, he went through his locker and handed me the textbook. I blushed.

"Here you go. But before that, what's in it for me?" He asked, now holding the textbook in a protective manner.

"How 'bout you go out on a date with me?" He offered.

*Bell rings* that's the last bell for the fourth period. I'm really really running late!

"Yeah sure. Uh, can I have the textbook now? I'm, you know, late for class." I answered. It didn't bother me if I had to go out on a date with him. I feel like I'm the luckiest girl in the world even.

He handed me the textbook and leaned back his locker again and stared at me.

I couldn't help but stare at him as well.

His sexy muscleic figure, his twinkling gray eyes, his lips that formed into a sexy smirk, his messy but sexy hair - he was beautiful. I mean handsome.

"I thought you were late for class," he implied. Right. That definitely snapped me out.

"Ha ha. Thanks. I really have to go now!" I said and turned around, running.

- -

I was now heading to the cafeteria and saw my usual friends and Chris sitting at our usual spot.

I was neither in a good mood nor in a bad mood.

Yeah, I was happy because I have a date with someone hot and I had his textbook. But I was angry at myself since I had to go to detention later for an hour for being late.

"Hey guys." I waved and sat down.

"Soooo, did anything happen?" Tracey asked. She was usually the one who knows what I'm feeling.

"I don't know. You see, I got late from History class. So I got an hour of detention later." I looked down at my tray and stared at my food. I didn't have an appetite today.

"Soooo you must be in a bad mood," Chris raised.

"Well, I don't know either. I should've had two hours of detention if it wasn't for some guy who lended me his History book. I know I knew him somewhere... but I can hardly remember his name. I mean he does know my name and we're going out on a date. *exhales* and then -"

"Hold up, you're going out on a date to someone you don't know?" Mace interrupted.

"Um, yeah. Well he does know my name and I owe the guy." I answered, now peeling of the banana peel.

"What? What if he's dangerous? How could you be so... so..."

"So what, Mace? I said I owed the guy. Jesus, relax, will you? I can handle this myself." I finished.

"So you're saying he knows your name but you don't know his?" Tracey finally said, raising an eyebrow.

"For the enth time, yes!" I roared.

All of them just stared at me.

"You owe the guy for lending you his textbook, right?" Chris asked while he took a sip from his chocolate drink.

"Yeah. I still have it with me and I'll return it later and ask about the deets about our date." I replied, holding up the History textbook.

"Well why don't you check if there's a name written on the book, then?" Chris replied, raising an eyebrow at me.

How could I be stupid? He was right. I checked the book and searched for a name.

His name was very very familiar. Maybe he was an old friend of mine, right? I read the name out loud.

"Shawn Warner, huh."

He was definitely a familiar guy.

x x x x

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