Chapter 30

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A quick shout out to my fave people on wattpad who has been supporting me with their votes and comments! :)





Thank you lovies! x Here's chap 30 guys!

x x x x

A few messages and voice mails later, I haven't received a reply from Chris. Tomorrow was going to be the double date and I have no date!

I was starting to panic because I was going to get caught lying to my cheating ex boyfriend. Maybe I should just back out. I'll tell Jack that I had a situation or I got sick or... No! I will not lie again. A lie can be sugarcoated into many many layers until it starts to melt and lead to something from bad to worse or worst even. This was my fault from the start. I shouldn't have lied to Jack. Forget about Chris.

That's right. I'll do the right thing. I'll go to that stupid dinner that Jack arranged alone and tell him that everything was just a lie about Chris and I being together. I'll be a sweet innocent angel when I exit the restaurant then. Perfect!

- -

Saturday, 6:12 pm

Looking at myself in my car's rear view mirror, I retouched my face with a few pats of my compact powder and reapplied my bloody red lipstick that made me look fierce but sexy. You can do this, Hailey. Be confident. Tell the truth, apologize then leave. That's the plan.

Entering the restaurant in my red stilettos, I noticed all eyes on me at the moment. Looking at my left, there was a guy sitting alone grinning at me. I gave him a sexy smile with a wink and walked straight, swaying my hips sexily as I approached the concierge area.

 "Good evening, ma'am. Do you have any table reservations for tonight?" the man in the restaurant's uniform asked. I still noticed eyes staring at me, hearing the minds of men lingering over my smooth and silky long legs.

"Yeah, I do. Under Jack Foster." I replied, smiling at him. I notice him shiver for a moment but recovered.

"Please follow me, madame."

When we were a few tables away from the table, I saw Jack and Jennifer talking seriously with each other as there were two empty seats in front of them. I walked straight to them as they still didn't notice me.

"Good evening, Jack. Am I interrupting something?" I asked, looking at Jack straight in the eyes as he stared at me, making him look like he wanted to eat me. I noticed Jack hold Jennifer's hand immediately as if they wanted to show me how romantic they are.

"Hello, Hailey. You're late. " Jennifer asked, faking a smile at me. Time management whore.

"Really? Do you have a problem with me being late, missy?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at her. She looked angry.

"I believe that I don't have to introduce myself to you, am I right?" She gawked, looking at me and then to their clasped hands. Oh the fight's on biatch.

"Besides being quote: Jennifer the prosti-"

"Alright, ladies. Please do sit down, Hailey. Where's Chris?" Jack interrupted, knowing what I was about to say. I suddenly felt my throat burn when Jack asked me about Chris. I was going to be embarrassed in front of my ex boyfriend and a whore. But I know that I had to do the right thing.

"Yeah, Hailey. Where's your date?" Jennifer asked, emphasizing the date word. I was speechless for a while. My heart keeps on saying that I had to do the right thing but my brain says not to... here goes nothing...

"Chris? Oh he's... um... he's-" before I could finish my sentence, I surprisingly felt an arm on my waist.

"Hi, baby. I'm sorry if I was a tad late again." Chris said and kissed my cheek.

x x x x

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