Chapter 15

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Chris looked at me with anger burning through his eyes. My blood was boiling with anger as well. The problem is, I don't know why I'm angry. We just stared at each other with our burning eyes for a while.

"What the fuck are you talking about, Hailey?" he asked angrily.

"Do I have to repeat myself again?! What?! You couldn't listen to me because you were too busy being horny in front of me having phone sex with someone?! You know what, you're just gross!" I hissed.

"You fucking think I'm having phone sex with someone right now?!" Chris asked, more like screamed. The students were once again surrounding us in the cafeteria. I didn't care less.

"What were you doing then, huh?!" I replied, still sounding angry. He just stared at me. Why couldn't he answer me? Was it because everything I said was true? He suddenly raised both his hands in surrender.

"You know what? I have no time for this." he said with his voice sounding tired and disappointed at the same time.

He just left me hanging. Why didn't he answer me? Was it really true?

I looked at him as he headed towards the cafeteria door. When he wasn't in sight, tears just fell down from my eyes. Why am I crying? I quickly dried my tears, grabbed my bag and ran to the bathroom. I was still crying and I really didn't know why. It was a good thing that there were no people in the bathroom. So I cried my eyes off. I looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were red. My cheeks were red. Even my nose was also red. I stared at myself for a while. What's happening to me? Why am I so affected with Chris having phone sex with someone? Was I jealous? I can't be. I'm not even in love with him.

I washed my face, hoping that it would make my face look less red than a few moments ago. When I reached for my bag to grab my handkerchief, I noticed that I still had Chris's jacket on. I quickly took it off and placed it inside my bag. I couldn't help but also notice that I smelled different. Not in a bad kind of way though, but I could smell a very familiar scent on my skin. It was Chris'. I smiled.

The bell suddenly rang signaling the end of the third period. It was now time for Geometry class. Shoot. I looked at myself in the mirror again. I still looked depressed and red. Maybe a few pats of powder would make it look less red. So I did as I thought. Well it did make me look better, but it was still pretty obvious that I just cried. I just stared at myself again and  sighed. The bell rang again. Shit. I'm already late for class. I rushed out of the bathroom and ran my way to room 206. I squeezed myself out of the crowd and grabbed the doorknob for which I believe, belongs to room 206. As I opened the door and entered the room, all eyes were on me. I looked at Miss Rose but noticed that she wasn't her and the teacher looked older.

"Yes, may I help you?" the old teacher asked with her glasses slipping off her nose. I looked around to see that these people weren't the students from my Geometry class either. My eyes suddenly caught a very familiar pair of eyes. Chris. "Excuse me, miss, I said may I help you?" the teacher asked again, this time, she sounded a little harsher. "I, um, isn't this room 206?" I asked in reply. "No, this is room 205. Now if you excuse me, I'm in a middle of a discussion. Please leave." she replied. Geez. How could she be so harsh on me. "I'm sorry. Um, thanks." I said and quickly rushed out of the room.

I entered the next room and saw Miss Rose looking at me. She looked like she was also in the middle of a discussion. All eyes were on me once again. "You're late." Miss Rose noted. "I'm so sorry. I had, um, an emergency." She just raised her eyebrow. "What kind of emergency, Miss Green?" she asked. Really? Was she really going to ask me about it? What was my emergency? "Oh you know, um, it's a girl thing." I replied. It was all I could think of at the moment. "Very well, then. Take a seat."

Time went by so fast. The next thing I know, my classes of the day already ended. I went to my locker to drop off some of my things when I found Tracey standing in front of it. When our gazes met, I went near her. "Hey, Trace! What's up?" I asked. "Nothing much. Hey, did you just cry?" Tracey replied while she stared at me.

"Long story. Anyway, any news from Mace yet?" I said, trying to change the subject. "Nope. Haven't seen him in Business Management class either. Do you think something happened to him?" Tracey replied, now sounding concerned. "I don't know. He isn't replying to my text messages either. Anyway, why were you standing in front of my locker?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. May I borrow your notes on Bio? I kinda skipped it today. Since you were a straight A student, I figured your notes would help me catch up." she said happily.

"Oh, sure, Trace! Hold on a sec. It's in my bag."

When I opened my bag, I found Chris's jacket still inside it. Shoot. I totally forgot about it. I glanced at Tracey, hoping she didn't see it. Unluckily, she did.

"What's that?" she asked, pointing to the jacket. I can't tell her that this jacket belonged to Chris!

"um, it's my jacket" I replied. She stared at me for a moment. "Oh, okay." she said, sounding a little suspicious. I handed her my notebook and closed my bag.

As I headed towards my car in the parking lot, I saw Chris' black BMW drive past me. It was obviously Chris who drove the car. I saw his car stop for a moment when it was already a few meters away from me and drove off again. Weird. Why did he stop his car?

My house was a few blocks away from school. It was six minutes away via transportation. When I was about to park in the driveway, I saw Sarah jumping up and down. It looked like she was very happy and excited to see me. I got out of my car and ran to her.

"Hey, Haiwey!, she said as she pulled out her little arms for a hug. She looked really cute and adorable! Sarah and I went inside the house and found Phil reading a newspaper. Mom was probably in the kitchen cooking some food since the house smelled like homemade cooking.

"Oh, hey, Hailey!" Phil said, folding the newspaper and stood up from his chair. "How was school today?"

"it was, um, fine." I replied lazily. I didn't want to tell him about what happened at school today because I felt really bad thinking about it. "What's with the 'um'? Did something bad happen? Did someone hurt you? Tell me who it is so i can punch that guy right in the face." Phil said, sounding concerned. I just chuckled. "Stop overreacting, Phil. I'm just really tired. That's all." I replied.

Oh, Phil. If only you knew.


9:30 p.m.

"It's time for you to go to sleep now, Sarah." I said as I brushed her hair.

"Haiwey, can you play with me some more tomorrow?" Sarah asked.

"I promise I'll play with you tomorrow. Right now, you should sleep because it's getting late, Sarah." I said as she laid down on the bed.

"Good night, Haiwey."Sarah said. I leaned close to her and kissed her forehead.

Today was really a rough day for me. Mace wasn't around, Chris and I had an argument, I entered the wrong classroom, and I got scolded by my teacher.

I couldn't stop thinking about the things I said to Chris. It was really wrong of me to have accused him of such thing.  I even embarrassed him in front of everybody.

So I sent a text message to him.


I'm so sorry, Chris.

x x x x

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