The Calm Ends

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~ On a planet in the deepest regions of space~

Nappa chewed on his large piece of meat for today looking over the massive battlefield that had taken place. "Not bad considering there's only two of us. Where do you think Radditz is by now?"

"He should be approaching the Earth anytime now. It takes about a year to get there from where he left." Vegeta replied tapping his scouter anxious to hear from Radditz.

"Do you really think she's even still alive. It's been over twenty years and she's never even attempted to contact us."

"Things happen especially with newborns. She may have destroyed her ship and from what I hear the technology on Earth isn't as advanced as our own. She may be stranded."

"Ah makes sense." Nappa stood and tossed his bones laughing a bit. "What a surprise she'll get. Being rescued and having the honor or being your mate all in the same day."

Vegeta smirked and laughed to himself. He too was looking forward to it.

"One question though. Why did you send Radditz? Why didn't you go yourself?"

"Nappa you surprise me. I'm a gentleman at heart." Vegeta's voice leaked with sarcasm. "Radditz hasn't seen his sister in some time it's only fair I give them the proper time alone before I take her for myself. Besides leaving you two alone would be a big mistake."

Nappa tensed and grunted at the small insult. "Yeah whatever." Nappa through away his leftovers and stood. "Let's get to the next assignment. I'm anxious to blow this planet to smithereens."

"There you go again. Being impatient is an ugly thing Nappa. Nevertheless you're right. It's time we left this drawl planet."

~On Earth~

"Gohan!" Chichi called looking around with a firm pout on her lips. "Where could he be? I told him Lunch would be ready soon." She called his name again then paused seeing Rikku breaking from the woods with a large tree trunk over her shoulder. "Hey Rikku do you think you have enough fire wood? You're gonna hurt yourself one of these days doing that."

"Ah don't worry about me Chichi I'll be fine." Not like the saying ever worked. Chichi, ever since she had the mistake of letting Ryan take Rikku back to Capsule Corps, had never stopped blaming herself for letting things get careless. Now she mad a point to always worry about Rikku and Gohan's safety.

It has been four years since Rikku gave birth to her bouncing baby boy Gohan. Rikku had never expected the joy of motherhood to be so fulfilling and rewarding. She had gone through some hard times but thankfully the Ox King, and Chichi were always there to help support her when she needed it.

"Where's Gohan? I thought he was with you."

"He was but I think he's wandered off again. You better go find him if you want to eat before going to Master Roshi's."

"Right you are. Nimbus!" The fluffy cream colored cloud zipped through the air and let her on. Nimbus too had always been there to support her. Rikku's heart remained pure and untainted by evil thoughts allowing her to have the comfort of Nimbus' flight.

It took Rikku a few minutes before she finally heard her son calling. The whining cry for help made her heart leap to her throat and she zoomed toward the source. Gohan, four years hold with a mop of black hair and his mother's kind face, clung to a mountain branch high above a running waterfall.


The boy whimpered and opened his eyes. Greeted by his mother's warm smile he leapt into her arms and began to crazily spew what had happened.

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