Become a Super Saiyan in nine months?"

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Vegeta and Trunks failed to defeat Cell she and Gohan were the only ones available to help. Baby, or no baby it was time to train.

The moment she and Gohan stepped through the door Gohan was overwhelmed by his surroundings. The air was hot and the gravity was heavier compared to what he was used to. He looked to his mom who seemed unaffected by the changes.

"Mom. Are you sure this is a good idea? What if something bad happens?"

"Relax Gohan. Trust me when I say that I know what I'm doing." She knelt down in front of him and stared him in the eyes. "It's just the two of us, and even though Trunks and Vegeta were in here a year we're going to cut that time down a bit. I need you to work ten times harder then before." He nodded, and she smiled. "Good, now things are gonna be a bit different. You have nine months of my time Gohan. In those nine months we're gonna be working on improving your skills as much as possible. After I give birth, we're leaving."

"You're gonna give birth in here? There's no doctors, and Chichi she-"

"I've been through this before Gohan. I know what my body is capable of and what I can do. I admit I'm a little nervous without any doctors, but I can guarantee that the baby will be just fine."

"How do you know?"

"I was pregnant with you once wasn't I?" She poked his nose making him twitch. "I didn't start showing until six months along. Even then the tissue around my belly was hard as a rock. Vegeta told me that saiyan pregnancies were much different then those of Earth deliveries. Some women gave birth on the battle field and then kept going. This is not gonna be as extreme. For one, I don't consider myself a saiyan because I was raised here on Earth. And two, I don't have any clothes or supplies to take care of the little one here for the extra three months. So we're leaving as soon as he's born."


"Now just because I'm pregnant it doesn't mean I want you to go easy on me. Like I said before our bodies are built to fight even during pregnancies." She sighed and rolled her shoulders. She was too tense. She had to remain calm throughout this or they wouldn't make it. She walked out into the void. "I don't want you to go out into this void without me. It's very easy for you to get lost."

"Okay, but it sure is big. It's like we're the only two people in the world."

"In this room, we are the only two people." She knelt down running a hand through his hair. "We're gonna be in here for awhile. I think we're gonna need to cut that hair of yours. Chichi will probably kill me, but it's a necessary evil. Luckily my hair hasn't changed since the day I was born."

"I thought you said you've cut your hair before."

"I have, but only when Bulma made me. She had this fascination with it. Luckily she grew out of it as I got older." She slid a finger over his locks and took a long deep breath. "Hold still." He finger glowed and the hair fell away leaving him with a short scruffy top that she had to admit made him look all the cuter. "There we are. Now I can see my handsome man without all that rug hiding his face." She rubbed his head for good measure making him laugh.

"Next on the agenda, I want you to become a Super Saiyan."

"What? Me?" Gohan's black eyes widened. "Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'm not gonna be the only one to reach new levels." She put her hands on her hips as she spun around looking at the white empty space. "Our goal is to reach a new level beyond that of a super saiyan. So," she looks back at him. His expression was disbelief and cute to boot. "I want you to become stronger than me."

"What?" Now total shock filled his face. "Me stronger than you?"

"That's exactly what I want to see from you Gohan. We can do it together."

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