It's time to finish this

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Rikku floated down snake way with King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory. The silence between them had been wearing at her conscience since their bodies appeared at the end of snake way. "I really am sorry about dragging you into this guys. I honestly tried to get us all out of there."

Bubbles made an "ook ook" sound of forgiveness and Gregory gave the thumbs up, both completely understanding the situation. King Kai, however, was less than forgiving. "Rikku, how could you do this to me?" he complained staring down at the spiraling snake way. "This is no way to treat a king." he looked at the lot of them and he grumbled. "Look at us, what a mess! Thanks to you my planet is destroyed and I'm stuck here on Snake Way!"

Rikku sighed. "I know you're mad, but honestly I had to do it for the safety of the Earth, for my friends, for my sons… gosh, come on, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" She put her hands together and pressed them to her forehead in a sign of apology.

"Yeah, how many times?" Gregory put in also tired of hearing King Kai's complaining.

"Rikku you've got some nerve!" He shouted at her stopping their floating to point a finger accusingly. "You know what you are? A pest!"

Sighing Rikku hung her head and rubbed the back of it. Wasn't it bad enough she felt terrible for leaving her sons alone? Leaving everybody, and the Earth to live on without her. She knew the dragon wouldn't wish her back, and she wouldn't be able to see Goten grow up, or watch Gohan go to public school, or any of the other plans she had made with Chichi. Damn it Cell! She thought crossing her arms and pouting. This was all his fault.

"Hey wait a minute," she paused again in her floating and looked around. "Where's Cell? Shouldn't he have been on Snake Way with us?"

King Kai stopped in his tracks and looked around gasping. "If-if he's not here then… oh no!" King Kai put his hands to his face in sheer horror. "He's gone!"

"What does that mean, King Kai?"

"It means Cell was not destroyed! He's still alive!"

"ALIVE!" Rikku's eyes widened and she thought of Earth. They were still in danger! "Gohan!"

Vegeta couldn't get his legs back. His whole body shook with the emotions swelling in his heart and in his mind. She was gone. She left him to be a hero, and left him with nothing but a kiss and a sweet farewell. The pain was something he never would have thought he'd experience in his lifetime.

It was different this time, he thought as he punched the ground in frustration. He couldn't wish her back. He couldn't join her in the other world. They would be separated for eternity, and it was all Cell's fault!

He heard Gohan screaming for his mother and knew the boy blamed himself. It was true that Gohan had power and failed to execute it when he had the chance, but for some reason Vegeta could see past it at the real problem. It had been Cell's fault, for his existence alone should have never been brought upon them. Cell was a menace and all he could say was, good riddance to him and the Androids.

Krillen moved beside Gohan to pick up Eighteen and Vegeta growled. "Krillen just what do you think you're doing?" Krillen cradled the Android in his arms like a precious gem. "Put that Android down right now!"

"No, look she's still alive. She needs our help!"

"You humans and your," he growled between his teeth, "sentimental hearts, and clouded minds!" Her crossed his arms and turned his back to him. "Do what you like then! I can't very well stop you!"

He glanced back. Gohan just stood behind Krillen, with his head hung and his cheeks tear stained. "Boy," he whispered and walked over. He yanked his head up. "You will not feel sorry for yourself or for your mother's decision. That's an insult to her memory and I will not have it!"

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