Frieza Returns; Rikku's Visitor

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The trip from Yardrat took six months and still Rikku was still cooling her heels in the compact ship. Since her kidnapping she hadn't seen Earth for two years and she ached to spot the pretty blue planet. She had a whole three hours to kill before her estimated arrival time would be made and the anticipation left her itchy, cramped, and aching to stretch her legs.

She had promised herself to take the spaceship the whole way instead of attempting the Instant Transmission. She didn't trust her skills quite yet to go from planet to planet with the trick. For now, she would wait, patiently...

"God, I can't wait to get out of here and get something to eat!" She grumbled her hands grasping her stomach. "These space rations are no where near appetizing." She frowned at the foil covered bars that tasted like day old graham crackers.

An approaching power level made Rikku drop her food and peek out the small window. She recognized the circular saucer shape of the spaceship that zipped past her. Her stomach lurched and she shook her head. "Frieza... he must have survived after all." What did she do now?

Looking at the controls... she was already at maximum speed. There was no way she would be able to catch up to him. "I guess I'll have to watch his energy... If it looks like I'm needed I'll use transmission," she clenched her fists. "I just hope the others are prepared."


Frieza looked around the dustball site he had landed on. His nose wrinkled and his tail flickered behind him agitated that none of rikku's friends were there to greet him. "Alright men. Search the area! Find Rikku's friends and eliminate them!"

"Yes sir," They chanted together. However their flight was cut off by the sight of a long streak of light that glinted from the sword of a mysterious young man. HIs hair was ear length and had a lavender hue that just highlighted his cold iceblue eyes.

"Ah, so you must be Frieza. I've been waiting a long time to meet you face to face." The mysterious man siad solemnly his eyes studying frieza's mechanic form. His fighter with Rikku had left him in pieces and most of him was now machine and wiring. His power may have increased but to this stranger he was nothing but a distraction. "Now I'm going to destroy you."

"Oh, we better run, isn't that right father?" Frieza and Kold laughed full and arrogant. Frieza didn't know who this boy was but he knew of Earth and its pathetic power. He turned up his nose. "Fighting a punk like ou isn't worth my time."

"Maybe I didn't make myself clear. You're finished Frieza!"

Vegeta was baffled. Since his return to Earth his life had been topsy turvy. He was conned by the Blue haired human, Bulma, into staying at Capsule Corps while he waited for Karat. She ordered him around as if he were a mere commoner, and failed to relaize that he was the more powerful being. She even got him into a ridiculous pink shirt. What was becoming of his sanity. To make matters worse he had sensed Frieza's arrival. He had hought karat had destroyed him, but it looks like the girl hadn't managed to finish the job after all. He would have to teach her about finishing what she started.

Now he climbed the rocks with the huddle of humans he despised, Karat's son, and the blue haired harpy included. He led the climb be cautious to keep his power level down do not to alert Frieza's scouters. Then, out of no where, he sensed a presence. The power was beyond anything he could have imagined, shining like a beacon in his mind. On top of it all, he stood against Frieza, their power clashing and Frieza clearly on the losing end.

The alarming power startled the rest of the group, some were shaking in their boots, and others had this inkling that Rikku had returned. He snarled at the thought. Karat, this powerful, no he absolutely refused to believe it. How the hell would she have managed to become this powerful in only a year? What was worse was the thought of her getting the idea in her head that if she was stronger than himself she could slip through his fingers.

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