Long live prince Vegeta

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Rikku's stomach churned hot inside as she sensed the trauma outside. Bubbles flew from her respirator and her body was tense despite the cooling heal of the liquid. Her senses were locked on everything that was going on in the outside world. She sensed Frieza's upending anger, Piccolo's rushing form, and her son's trembling aura. She wished her body would respond and heal faster. She didn't know how long Vegeta and the other's could hold off Frieza's rage.

On edge she flexed her muscles and cracked her eyes open. The scene reminded her of Vegeta's base, and where he had touched his hand to the glass. With her senses locked onto Vegeta's energy she touched the glass now and closed her eyes again. She dreamed... A glowing red planet in the middle of space. a colony of saiyan's living the high life in a metropolis ruled by a King. King Vegeta, and his son the younger Vegeta stared out at the pods that launched all across the universe collecting planets for their buyers.

"One day you will be a Super Saiyan." She heard the King proclaim. "It is your legacy, my son."

"Yes, Father."

Little Vegeta... why was she dreaming of this?

The scenery changed, to the ruins of a planet not Vegeta, nor Earth. She recognized a group of saiyan's lounginga fter their victory. One of the saiyan's in particular looked estrangely familiar to her.

"Bardock says he cam remember everything."

"Yeah right, watch this. Hey Bardock, when was your daughter born?"

"Not sure, but that was a long time ago."

A daughter? Rikku stepped closer getting a good look at this Bardock. Her chest tightened when she saw the resemblance of her own face in his. "Father."

"Oh come on, yesterday? You should go see the little tike."

"What for? So I can get attached right before they send her out? What purpose would that serve?" Bardock's words were a little strained and distant. He seemed to have grown accostomed to his way of life.

"Look on the brightside. Very few females are born now a days. She may get lucky and be picked for the mate of the Prince."

"I doubt it."

The cry of a babe rung in Rikku's ears and she focused her sight in a window on a wriggling baby. Next to her stood Bardock who looked spooked and spaced. "You can see the visions too can't you my daughter?" HIs scouter bleeped startling him and he grunted. "Just a normal power level. I thought you were special."

She'd never known the man and yet the words stung and she watched him leave. The corridor's blurred into a dark tunnell and she followed him as it lead to her next vision. Wide open space above the planet Vegeta. The cold cruel eyes of Frieza as the ball of light in his hand grew and grew. He threw it, the light engulfing BArdock and the planet. Ashe disappeared she though she could hear him scream. "KARAT!"

Rikku woke with a start bubbles blowing dramatically out of her tank. She heard the words echoed in her head only it wasn't Bardock screaming them. Vegeta, she thought, and closed her eyes again to lock onto his energy. It was diminishing rappidly. Piccolo had made it to the battlefield but there was a lifeforce missing... the little Namek she had sensed before. His energy had disappeared. Gohan's was wavering as well as Krillen's. From the feel of it Vegeta was the only one fighting and he was losing.

"I can't stay in here anymore." She looked down at her palm through the liquid. She wasn't at full form but it was close enough. She threw her fist out. A bright ball of eergy forming and exploding releasing the liquid and allowing her the mobility to unhook herself.

~On the battlefield~

Frieza crushed the rock into vegeta's chest. the hole which frieza had made himself left the perfect opening to rub the skin raw until it bled under his force. "It pains me to see you like this Vegeta." Frieza said snidely removing his foot to look at the whimpering saiyan at his feet. "For somereason i still care for you. I care enough to put you out of your misery." Frieza knelt grabbing the prince by his armor and forming his fingers in a way that would pierce his heart.

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