Kamikaze Saibamen, Hurry up Rikku!

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"Look out they're here!" Gohan turned to Piccolo's side expecting to see a overbearing Saiyan. However his eyes lock onto the familiar face of one of his mother's friends. He heard Piccolo laugh gently.

"So it's only you, huh? What exactly are you doing? You know you're not gonna be much help. Then again I assume you're not the only one partaking in this mission."

"That's right." Krillen laughed standing proud with his increased strength. "The whole gang is coming."

"Hey I remember you now!" Gohan suddenly shouted. "You're one of the people I met at master Roshi's place."

Krillen turned to Gohan with a smile. "The name is Krillen. You're Gohan right? I barely recognized you. You sure have buffed up. You kept your mom's face though, gentle yet strong features."

"Yeah, so you grew up with my mom. She told me lots of stories. She said you and her were really good friends and that you trained to make up for being short."

Krillen frowned and grunted at that comment. "Rikku told you what now?"

"Guys they're here." Piccolo broke the friendly conversation Krillen and Gohan looked to the sky spotting Vegeta and Nappa floating above them. They floated down with an air of confidence and strength in their stance.

"It seems you've been expecting us."

"I'll say this once," Piccolo quickly retorted. "Forget whatever your business is here and leave. If you choose to fight us we will fight to the death."

"That voice," Vegeta ignored Piccolo's comment. "I see so you're the one who defeated Radditz." At Piccolo's surprised face Vegeta tapped his scouter. "Didn't Radditz tell you these could be used as communicators as well?"

"Hey isn't the big one a Namekien?"

"Yes, it almost makes sense that Radditz would have a hard time in defeating him."

Piccolo heard the word 'Namekien' and blanked out everything else. Above the Earth Kami rested at the edge of his look out his eyes closed shut. "So, I'm not of this world. I might've known."

"Ah ha," Vegeta deduced. "You must be the one who created these dragon balls."

"No way how do you know about the dragon balls?"

"Not only do we know about them it's the main reason why we're here. Your friend may be Namekien but the rest of you are bugs to us."

"Nappa take off your scouter."

"Why what for?"

"These so called bugs can alter their power levels at will so they're pretty much useless wouldn't you say?"

"Ah I remember, that's how Radditz got himself beat before. He lowered his guard because of the readings. Good thinking Vegeta."

"Now enough talk. Let's see what these pests can do. We still have six saibamen left right?"

"Ha, Vegeta you and your twisted sense of humor." Nappa pulled out a vial from under his armor inside were six green seeds. Sticking them into the ground and pouring a weird substance on top Nappa began to laugh. Rising almost immediately were six little green men.

"Ugh how gross. At least they're shorter than I am." Krillen tried to stay positive watching as the saibamen showed a brief demonstration of their power.

"The three in front of you are your targets." Vegeta explained. "Give them a once over saibamen."

In other world Rikku shot down snake way. She could sense everything that was happening on earth. The sudden growth of six new powers made her uneasy. The three stronger powers began to battle one waivering a little which confused her. It must be Gohan. She could feel his strength from here but he wasn't trusting it yet. "Don't worry Son I'm on my way." Rikku landed for a split second putting more power into her flight by kicking off her eyes narrowing as she concentrated on going as fast as she could all the while feeling out the battle that was partaking on Earth. The arrival of three more powers gave her heart an easy sigh. "Good here comes the cavalry"

Tien, Yamcha, and Chiatosu stood side by side with the rest of their friends. "Looks like everyone's here except Rikku. Any word on how soon she'll get here?"

"No clue but we have bigger things to worry about. We have to drag out this fight as long as possible to make time for her arrival."

"1,2,3,4,5,6 interesting that you have the same number of players as our saibamen. Why don't we play a little game? Each of you can take turns fighting one of our saibamen."

Piccolo growled. "No way we're not fighting on your terms!"

"Whoa, calm down Piccolo this is perfect. This could buy Rikku some time to get here!"

"I'm up for it," Tien agreed. "these little creeps don't scare me." Tien took front stage ready for a little warm up. Vegeta picked a saibamen by random and sent it to meet Tien face to face. The battle didn't last long. Tien had the thing shriveling up like a dried out lizard skin. Chiaotsu cheered happily floating in mid air.

"Way to go, Tien!"

"How is this possible?" Nappa shouted. "A Saibamen's power is 1200 that makes them each as strong as..."

"As what Nappa?" Vegeta smirked.

"As Radditz."

"Heh, weak. It seems to me the three eyed man is stronger." Vegeta chuckled suddenly very intrigued by the game. He was anxious to see who else could meet the saibamen equally if not superior. He looked to the saibamen that had failed and raised to fingers. The creature shouted as a quick beam stabbed through him and he exploded.

"Vegeta, why did you do that?"

"He failed to complete his mission and take care of the Earthling. He was no longer needed. If the rest of you saibamen don't want to share his fate my suggestion to you is don't lose. Now, whose next?"

"Let me have a crack at them." Yamcha said.

"Yamcha I'm capable to," Krillen interjected wanting to have his turn but Yamcha gave him a look.

"You've already been wished back once. If I go and something bad happens at least we'll know I can be revived. Besides I think it's time these Saiyan's realize they can't push us around. I'm gonna wipe all five out at once!"

On Snake Way, Rikku's heart suddenly gave a ill-omened tug. "I've got a bad feeling something's going wrong. I can't sense anyone anymore. I must be getting close to the checkout. Hold on for as long as you can guys!"

Above the Earth Kami kept his own senses locked on the Checkout ready to teleport the moment he sensed Rikku's presence. "This doesn't fare well Mr. Popo. I sense something terrible is about to happen. There's still no sign of Rikku."

"Have faith Kami, Rikku will be here to save the day in the nick of time!"

At the battlefield the press had camped above the fight scene trying to record the battle going on below. This gave everyone watching a brief show of the action of the aliens and Earth's protectors.

Yamcha stood above his prey grinning proudly. He had practiced his Kamehameha for years and the training had finally paid off and gave him the victory he had been looking for. "What did I tell you? Now how about I finish the rest of them off?"

"Now that I'd like to see." Vegeta stated laughing. "Too bad I won't get the chance."

"What?" Yamcha suddenly sensed th approach and turned around just in time to see as the saibamen wrapped himself around Yamcha's body. The deathgrip left Yamcha unable to break away. The Saibamen's eyes gave him a shudder of terror as they lit up and the saibamen explodes. Yamcha screamed as his body was caught up in the explosion. When the light and dust dispersed all that was left was Yamcha's broken body on the ground.

The Z fighters shook with terror seeing their friend cradled on the ground unmoving. Krillen ran to his side feeling for a pulse but found nothing. He yelled his heart aching at the loss of another friend. "No! Yamcha!"

At Kame House the public broadcast gave everyone there a shocking display of what happened. Bulma sat in the front her eyes full and teary. "Yamcha..." She had been in love with Yamcha for years. Despite their squabbles she had never gotten over it. Now seeing his body lay crippled with no chance for her to say sorry, or to tell him her true feelings she began to mourn and cry.

Rikku's heart tugged again and she knew it was her ominous premonition. Something bad had happened and she was still hours away from the check in. "Damn it I gotta kick up the speed. Come on Rikku!" she coached herself.

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