Reccome, Guildo, Burter, Jeice, GINYU!

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Frieza looked to the sky as it dazzled in the several tints and shades of yellow. The hot sons of Namek greeted the Ginyu Force with a brilliant display of light and added the perfect background for their arrival. The five pods opened, smoke sizzling off the metal, and five figures or different sizes stepped out into the fray.

Choreographed to Captain Ginyu's preference the five stood in the blinding light of the sun and their shadows moved as they danced and posed.

"Reccome," the red head muscle head had a face as hideous as his posing.

"Guildo," the lizard skin and munchkin like features gave him little movement in his armor but he posed just as corny as the first

"Burter!" The tallest of the brood, Burter was known for his speed and his all blue exterior.

"Jeice," the best looking of them all, which said little, Jeice was the Narcissist of the lot. He had a wild mane of silver hair and all red skin.

"And presenting! Captain GINYU!" With the confidence and flair of a Broadway star Ginyu danced and posed into the position of power. Together they moved showing their synchronism. "Together we're.. The Ginyu Force!"

"Impressive," Frieza spoke. With his white skin and purplish armor like features he was as weird looking as the lot. However, even he knew their show of performance was odd. Lucky for them they were the strongest force in his army. "Finally, I have someone I can count on."

"Lord Frieza," Captain Ginyu spoke picking up the case of fresh scouters. "Here is the equipment you requested."

"Thank you," He motioned for a guard to take the case.

"Down to business. What is our mission?"

"It's really quite simple Captain Ginyu. Your mission is to recover my dragon balls and bring me Vegeta."

"Vegeta? That puny saiyan?" Reccome questioned.

"I wouldn't call him puny. Word has it his strength keeps growing and he won't be as much of a push over."

"Yes, Burter is right." Frieza concluded. "Everyday his strength increases so I order for you to use caution when handling him."

Turning on their scouters the Ginyu Force got a look of Vegeta's power level. Sure enough it had tripled since his departure. Still he was no match for them. Ginyu grinned. "This will be like taking candy from a baby. Hmm," his face turned curious.

"What is it Ginyu?"

"It seems he's not alone. I can see another power level beside him and two more heading in his direction. The two little ones are just as strong and the one beside him even more so. Intriguing."

"The two heading toward them must be those rotten little Earthlings. As for the fourth person it might be Vegeta's mate that he brought back from Earth. If it is bring her with Vegeta and dispose of the other two."

"Yes my lord!"

Vegeta paced with feverish worry. "Blast! I didn't count on Frieza calling in the Ginyu Force. This is not good."

"What are you talking about? Who are the Ginyu Force?"

"Five men all as powerful as I am."

"Really!" Intrigued, Rikku closed her eyes sensing the extent of their power. They varied in the same range but there was a clear gap from the weakest to the strongest. The largest power boasted over Vegeta but was no where close to Frieza's power. The least strongest trailed miserably at the bottom, even Chiaotsu could defeat a level like his with the right motivation.

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