Super Saiyan Legends

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The three remaining underlings of the Ginyu Force looked at the quadrant of earthlings with a low foul taste. Reccome most of all was not too keen on the boast that this woman... this Saiyan woman could beat the remaining members of the Ginyu force. He would show her.

"you really expect me to believe you can beat the Ginyu Force? Ha! Don't make me laugh! Your power level is puny! You couldn't even beat Guildo if given the chance!"

"Pity we wouldn't be able to find out seeing as Vegeta already took care of him." Her stomach rolled at the remembrance. "However, he cannot deny me the joy of battle and I will fight and I will win. You best surrender now."

Reccome took center stage with her ready to prove her wrong. "This is gonna be a piece of pie."

"That's cake Reccome."

"Oh right."

"The big one's not that bright is he?" Krillen whispered to Vegeta.

"No he's not. However you don't need a lot of brains to be a good fighter." Vegeta's brain was still blurred from his earlier epiphany. The mere thought that this low class female saiyan who acted more Human than Saiyan could become a super saiyan was just... intriguing. He thought he would be appalled. He had tried for so many years to accomplish such a feat and for this woman... His mate... to achieve first what he had not was simply astounding.

The legend of the super saiyan was known throughout many races. No saiyan grew up, Rikku aside, had not heard the legend. 3000 years ago the first super saiyan emerged during the great war against the tuffles. He could only attain the level in the transformed state but his power was beyond measure and had no equal in the universe. The power was so overwhelming it eventually consumed and destroyed him.

"Not only has she got it, but she's mastered it. That's just great, a few years ago Karat didn't even know she was a saiyan and now she's got the golden glow of our race!" He muttered to himself cracking his knuckles through his fists.

"Now!" Reccome called ready to deliver some pain. "Here comes Reccome!" He danced and posed. "Master of Doom!" His aura spiked and he launched at Rikku. Krillen and Gohan held their breath bracing for the worst.

Rikku continued to smile waiting for him to approach. She was eye to eye with his fists before her entire body disappeared from sight, Krillen blinked with a shuddering gasp escaping his throat. "R-Rikku's gone!"

"Where'd she go?"

Krillen looked around and his eyes caught sight of Vegeta. The Saiyan Prince looked agitated and his eyes were shifted to the direction of Jeice and Burter. Following their direction he nearly choked seeing Rikku standing behind the other two members of the Ginyu Force.

Jeice's scouter alerted him of Rikku's position and the two of them jolted.

"Did he dematerialize?"

"No it's pure speed!"


Krillen looked back to Vegeta. The prince had spotted her before anyone else. Vegeta's strength was increasing with each battle. Incredible.

"I told you." Rikku warned Jeice and Burter. "Leave or I will be forced to hurt you." She took a step forward. Aimed to protect their pride and their bodies they attacked only to miss as Reccome did.

She appeared again only back in front of Reccome. With her threat buzzing in their ears she was ready to let them decide their fate. Fall or retreat.

"You speedy little gnat! I'll eventually get my hands on you. When I do I'll crush you in my fists!" Crouching down Reccome's body trembled with a fiery electric power. "Prepare yourself zippy for this power is something that not many get to see! It shall be the end of you!"

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