Changing History... Don't Die Rikku!

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Rikku didn't know exactly how the Androids would look, but what she saw she never expected. The two before her looked more like an old man and a life-sized marionette doll. Who would have thought that their exteriors didn't match the destructive and violent power inside them. Their destruction already caused Yamcha great injury, and many innocent lives were lost in the explosions caused by their rampage. They didn't care who they hurt.

"Listen, stop, Leave these people out of this!"

"There are no people to leave out." Android 19, the doll like man, stated with a slight malice. The old man, Android 20 talked more like a human than his partner Android 19. His voice was robotic and made her ears prickle.

"Very well," 20 said staring straight into Rikku's eyes. "You may lead us to another place, Rikku."

"What? How do you know my name?"

"I know all about you, as well as your friends." He looked to Piccolo and Tien stating their names with a monotone as if it were careless information. Sirens rang in her ears and Rikku bit her lip looking at her friends.

"Let's save the formalities." She looks back to the Androids frowning. "Follow me." She took to the skies and was quickly followed by the two androids. All this pressure, all this chaos and they hadn't even started fighting yet. Damn it, where was Vegeta when she needed him. He was supposed to be helping.

She picked up speed taking a glance back at the androids. They were right on her tail, and Piccolo and the others weren't too far off either. She looked around still not comfortable with the scenery.

Her speed dropped with a sudden pain in her chest erupted and she sucked in a breath wincing. Ow... what was that? She calmed herself and continued to look. When the pain didn't let up she ignored it.

"I'm beginning to get impatient," she heard Twenty call out to her. "Where are you leading us?" She didn't answer the pain in her chest now sweltering like a hot fist. Twenty, not willing to wait any longer stopped. "This is far enough." She stopped beads of sweat running down her temples. She clutched her chest and turned towards the androids grunting from the pain. "I have decided for you. We will fight here."

They descended and she followed. Her feet brushed ground and she clamed herself. She straightened her shoulders and looked her enemy in the eyes. Those cold, unfeeling eyes that had shot lasers destroying half the town. They must be machines... How could anyone do something like that and have no emotion on their face whatsoever? "Before we begin, I want to know how you knew our names."

Tien looked to Rikku shocked. Her chest was heaving and she looked pale. She was out of breath and her eyes held pain. What was wrong with her?

Vegeta looked over the damage done by the Androids. He had managed to dodge the bulk of the destruction when the first round of explosions went off. His senses searched for Rikku and found her out in the distance far from the city. "She must have lured them away from the town. Good, at least she's thinking clearly." He paused his eyes narrowing when he continued to watch her power. Something was off and he didn't like it. Even powered down he could sense a wavering... a kind of pitching in her power. "Karat..."

His brain wrapped on a reason and fear jolted inside him. Her heart, that boy from the future had said she would get a heart virus. "That doesn't make sense. She should have already been through the treatment. Why is she getting it now?"

He heard the sound of overhead flight and turned his eyes up to watch Krillen, Yamcha, and Gohan shoot towards Rikku's destination. "Now what? Do they sense it too?" Like hell he was going to wait here. He would defeat those androids himself. Who cares if he couldn't sense their power? He would defeat them nonetheless.

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