He's just a boy!

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It was the right decision. It had to be. She had seen his power, and knew in that instant that he would be the one to defeat Cell. She floated up keeping her eyes on her son's face. He looked so young, and so innocent. Why did things have to be this way? Why didn't she have the power instead of him?

His face read both fear and uncertainty, and she had to admit she too was scared for him. He was her little boy, her first born. "I know you can do it."

"You want me?" Gohan asked his voice so uncertain and shaky. "You want me to fight Cell?"

"Rikku you can't be serious." Piccolo said as she landed around the group. "He's just a boy. Think about what you're asking of him!"

"Do you honestly think I would do this unless I absolutely knew that it was the right decision?" She crossed her arms trying to settle her stomach. "Gohan's been keeping up with the lot of us ever since he was just a little boy. His power is something the rest of us couldn't possibly fathom."

She walked to her son and knelt to meet him eye to eye. She cupped his cheeks in her hands, her knuckles bruised and bloody. "Look at me Gohan," she whispered and smiled warmly at him. "Tell me something. Have you found it difficult at all to keep up with us? Were Cell and I moving too fast for you to see?"

"No, I could see every move." He claimed and clenched his fists at his sides. "That's only because you two weren't fighting at your full strength!"

"I don't know about Cell, but," Rikku lowered her hands to cup her son's clenched fists. "I was giving it my all." Couldn't he feel the truth? Couldn't he see that his power exceeded hers? "You thought I was holding back, because you were comparing the power you felt from us to your own. Am I right?"

At her words Piccolo found himself choking for words. "Is... is this true Gohan?" The boy didn't have to answer for him to see it was true. He saw the recollection and amazement that lingered in Gohan's face.


"Anyday now," Cell called out getting impatient. Rikku took Gohan into her arms hugging him tightly.

"Gohan, what do you say you win this one for me?" She stroked a hand over his head and kept her face away from his so he wouldn't see the fear in her eyes. "Win this so we can all go home."

Gohan shook in his mother's arms. He hesitated before gripping her tightly. His mother was counting on him. She obviously believed he had the true power to beat cell inside him. How could he possibly let her down after all she had done for him. "Okay, mom. I'll do it."

Her heart squeezed and she released Gohan to kiss his forehead. "Go get him." With a heavy heart Rikku watched as her son ditched the shoulder weights of his costume and jettisoned himself onto the fighting grounds. She got another feel of the power in the air and Rikku frowned when she sensed just how much power she had drained from Cell. Now that wasn't fair. Gohan would have the obvious advantage and that was no way to boost his confidence. She wanted him to win, but he would do it fairly.

"Hey Krillen, give me a Sensu bean will yah?" Krillen hesitated a moment before handing one to her. She stared at it a good long while and swallowed the lump in her throat. "Hey Cell! Catch!" She threw him the bean and shocked the people around her.

"That's it! She's officially lost it!" Krillen decided. Rikku found it pointless to try and explain her reasoning. Maybe she had gone crazy, but this was the way things were supposed to be. She just had that feeling.

"Why thank you Rikku, I shall take this bean without hesitation!" he quickly swallowed, feeling the power of the bean as it not only healed him but brought him to full power once again. What a fool, he thought, she had just sealed her own son's demise. "Alright boy, are you ready?"

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