End of Snake Way or Bust!

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Rikku panted heavily as she slowed her sprint to a jog. "For crying out loud I've been jogging for eight months straight! How long does this stupid road last!" For eight months she ran, flew, and even attempted to jump the road but there was still no sign of the end. She had wasted precious time by falling off snake way once and landing in HFIL(Home For Infinite Losers LMAO). Thanks to a couple of numbskulls and their tests of strength she managed to make it back onto snake way. However the route back sent her all the way to the beginning making her start the journey all over again.

Then there was the incident with Princess Snake. An alluring smell made her hungry and fall into a trap. Princess Snake had been thoroughly disappointed that it was a woman.

"I cannot allow a woman even more beautiful than I be in my realm! You must die!" What was that all about! What kind of a reason was that to attempt to eat someone? Luckily she managed to escape, but barely. "Ooh, I hope everyone back home is having better luck than I am!"

~Back on Earth~

Piccolo stood before Gohan as he stood crouched and ready to fight at a moments command. "Alright Gohan you're all set. I know these past few months have been hard but you got through them. Now are you sure you want to continue on with your training?" Gohan's face stayed the same, his eyes fierce but his body shaking. "Good, with an attitude like that you just might make it."

Piccolo pushed back his cape and motioned for Gohan to make the first move. Gohan shot forward his fists and legs flying in sloppy kicks and punches. Piccolo watched while dodging keeping his eye on all of Gohan's movements. Disappearing her rounded Gohan and knocked him away. "Keep your eye on your enemy!"

"You disappeared though I couldn't follow you!"

" When I say keep your eye on your enemy it means your inner eye. If you can't see your enemy feel your enemy. Use all of your senses to follow his movements."

"Easier said then done."

Piccolo, not liking Gohan's tone, shot beams shocking Gohan and making him wriggle. "Owie!"

"Next time you feel like whining think about who you're with."

~On Kami's lookout~

Krillen had managed to track down Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotsu ad inform them of the saiyan bout. In a quick agreement all fighters agreed to do all they could to defend the planet. Kami summoned them for special training much as Rikku had been through many years ago. Together they trained their senses and strengths battling against each other.

They wouldn't take their opponents likely. Thanks to Kami's room that dropped them in the past they had a glimpse of what it was like fighting against real saiyans. They had all been crudely awaken from their false confidence when even the lowest fighter was able to beat them hands down. It was a wake up call they all needed to get past their noses and work on serious training.

"I'm doing all that I can Mr. Popo." Kami said watching as the Earth's highest force trained around the look out. He felt such fierce compassion and iron will coming from the men in front of him. It brought him a little hope. "Let's just hope that it is all worth it in the end."

~Snake way~

Rikku crawled on the path now. "I….can't….stop…now!" The path moved to a steep climb and she groaned. The ache in her muscles from the long run made her legs shake with each movement forward. The top of the hill seemed endless until she finally reached the top and her eyes close in down the road. She blinked once… twice. "Is that… yes it is! It's the end!"

The tail of Snake Way was in plain view and it made Rikku giddy with happiness. She slid down the road laughing happily. It had taken her nearly 9 months to get there but she made it. "King Kai here I come!" She slipped off the end expecting some sort of house or person waiting but found nothing but clouds. Making a yelp she grabbed the edge to keep herself from falling and sighed with relief. "Whew that was close." She blinked and looked around. "Where's King Kai? Isn't he supposed to be here at the end?" She climbed up to the tail and looked around clouds being the only thing in her line of vision.

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