A Devil's Home~

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"Ugh... What happened..."

We see Team RWBY slowly regaining consciousness and sitting up from the couch they were sitting on.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember was the box, a bright light, and, well, now."

The four were trying to focus and remember what had just happened, also making sure everyone was present and safe.

"I should've known opening the box was a bad idea..."

Once the four girls in PJs realized everyone was safe and together, they all lay back on the couch and relaxed, trying their best not to overthink what had happened.

"... Where are we?"

As soon as this question was brought to their attention, they wasted no time pulling out their weapons and aiming them at a red-coated teen, who stood before the four girls and held a few boxes of pizzas in each hand.

"Heh, is this how you thank someone for bringing someone pizza's?~"

He was very unfazed by this, and was even wearing a teasing smirk about the situation; the four girls had different reactions when they met or saw this stranger. Ruby struggled not to ask if she could have a slice of pizza, while Yang couldn't help but admire the hot-looking person who seemed to be around her age; she might ask him out later. Blake looked at the man and their surroundings, trying to piece together what was happening.

"Tell us who you are and where we are at?! "

Well, Weiss decided to take charge in this situation, and interrogated/threatened this White Hair Person for any information he may have about what just happened.

"Rude, not even gonna introduce yourself first?~"

The Red Coat's teasing was only met with the White Hair Girl pointing her weapon closer to his face, which made him chuckle and shake his head.

"Alright alright, my name is Dante, and you four lovely ladies are in this wonderful world called 'Europe', now, do you girl's want some pizza or not?"

He decided to offer the food to them, rather than take any more accusations from the four teens; they just tilted their heads and wore a very confused expression.

"Um, Europe?"

Ruby couldn't help but ask; now it was the White Hair Man's turn to be confused.

"Yeah, Europe, or specifically Red Grave City, some people call it that too, are you new here or something?"

He then decided to go into his 'Detective' mode, and use his problem-solving skills to figure out something; at first, he thought they were normal Asian girls who had fallen from a plane or something, but it seemed there might be more than what it just seemed on the surface.

"I, er, I guess, um, where on Remnant is Red Grave located? Is it part of the four Kingdoms?"

Blake asked this question, since she, being an ex-member of White Fang, had nearly traveled around the world and thus possessed the most experience in various locations.

"Kingdom's? Do you mean the place the Queen lives in? Also what's Remnant?"

He raised an eyebrow, clearly not understanding what she was talking about.

"Yeah, Remnant, you know, the world we live in, duh?"

Yang was now getting frustrated and annoyed by this back-and-forth, and just wanted some answers as to where they were and how to get back home, though, something told him that it wouldn't happen anytime soon.

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