Boat Ride~

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After Blake was scolded for being so careless as to eat an entire Demonic Bird's leg, the entire Demonic Squad had left the area and were now on a boat, assuming this was what they needed to do next and had simply decided to set sail.

"ARRRGH! Dante, Hoist The Sails! Yang, Raise The Anchor!~"

Ruby was dressed like a pirate, having a hat, an eye patch, and even a fake parrot on her shoulder. She stood behind the wheel and was ready to steer.

"Aye Aye Captain!~"

Yang and Dante decided to play along, wearing bandit clothing and doing what they were told, raising the sails and anchor. Once doing that, the boat started to move and travel through the water. The Corrupted Silver Eye quickly straightened out the entire ship and drove it safely and smoothly in the water.

"What about me?"

Weiss was confused as to why she didn't get anything to do, since she didn't dress like a pirate or bandit.

"You? Well, you stay near Captain Red Beard and be her captured princess~"

Ruby lets out a mischievous grin as she uses one hand to bring her closer to her side, making the Demonic Schnee blush lightly and look away shyly from her BGF's flirting. A certain Corrupted Faunus just narrows her eyes at the two lovebirds.

"I'll check the ship for any supplies or important item's."

Was all that Blake said as she turned away and began walking into a door, the Red Coat Devil, who sat atop the sail, just watched the Hellish Belladonna go inside the ship; he let out an exhausted sigh and hung upside down, as if he had given up or something.

"What's up buttercup?"

The Devil Hunter looks up wearily to see Yang standing on the same sail he was on, and just stares at him with a slightly worried expression

"Whenever we have kids, please don't act like her..."

Was all that Dante said, which startled the Corrupted Blonde, and made her blush slightly at the thought of starting a family, but she shook her head and calmed down

"Yeah, she's a handful."

Yang understood what the Demonic Human meant. She quickly sat down and hung next to her Devilish Boyfriend.

"Even back then, in our old world, she was hard to deal with, like this one time, she would stay up for days, without sleep, just to fine any information about the Terrorists group she use to work for."

Yang shared some of her own personal experiences in dealing with the Stubborn Neko, which caught the White-Haired Man's attention

"She use to be a terrorist?"

Dante couldn't help but be slightly surprised by this piece of news, not really expecting the Shadow Kitty to be an ex-terrorist, especially since she's often so righteous.

"It's a long story, but to put it bluntly, it used to be a peaceful protest that got corrupted."

Yang quickly explained, which made the Devil Hunter understand the whole context now. Knowing her reasons and choices, it was clear to him. Though once said, there was a moment of silence between the two lovers. They hung around, upside down on the sail, not really saying or doing much.

"... You know, if you hate having her around, why don't you just get rid of her already, someone like you can easily do so?"

Yang decided to break the ice and ask the Red Coat Devil the big question, which was about him not getting rid of a certain Hellish Belladonna. He glanced away slightly.

"Because it would... Make me look like a hypocrite."

Dante carefully replied to the question he had been asked, though it only confused the Corrupted Blonde a little more

"What do you mean?"

Yang tilts his head and raises an eyebrow

"Let's just say, I'm here for a selfish reason to..."

Dante wore a light frown when he said this, which was enough to let the Flaming Brawler know that it was a serious and personal matter, and the only reply she had was to reach out a free hand to grab onto his, which made him look back at her, who gave him a soft warm smile

"I'm here if you want to talk about it."

Yang spoke with sincerity and understanding, which made the Man In Red smile back, as he then pulled her close and gave her a soft kiss, to which she returned the favor... Meanwhile, after having a touching moment on the sails, the Demonic Human decided to jump down and go inside the old ship, in hopes to find the Corrupted Faunus, both out of curiosity and extreme concern, praying to God she wasn't doing anything stupid

'God this is a big ship, she could be anywhere.'

Dante couldn't help but notice and complain about the internal size of the boat, as he walked around, feeling a little lost and not knowing where to go, though before he could lose his cool and just destroy everything, he heard a familiar female voice coming from down the hallway and in a room with a slightly open door

"-I should be coming home today or tomorrow, I promise."

The leader of Team RWBY recognized the voice belonging to Blake, which made him relieved to know that he had found her and that she was safe, and he began to walk towards the area where she had been.

"Yes, I know, I miss you very much Credos, and Kyrie too, I just want to go home already and hug and nuzzle you all day..."

The Devil Hunter paused from opening the door once he realized Blake was speaking to someone with a soft tone. Curiosity took over him as he decided to look through the crack of the door and peek inside.

"I know I left suddenly, please forgive you me, I just, I just had to deal with something, I promise to be back safe, I miss and love you both so much..."

In the room, which seems to be an old abandoned bedroom, Blake was in the middle of sitting on a nearly broken chair, talking to someone on a flip phone, while having her cloak off, her belly exposed, and with her Shadow looking over it

"When I get back, I'll take you and your sister to go see a play, or some sword fighting, we'll have a lot of fun together, ok?~..."

Blake seemed to be holding back tears, wiping them away before they fell, which made the Son of Sparda widen his eyes slightly. When he saw a stubborn neko who didn't understand the concept of "no", she was now acting so fragile and falling apart. She was only able to keep herself together long enough to say goodbye to her children and hang up the phone.

"I-Is Nero ok?"

Blake looks down at Shadow, her voice filled with extreme worry and slight fear, no doubt talking about the safety of the child in her tummy. Luckily, Shadow nodded and gave a "ok" sign, letting her know the baby was healthy and alive, which relieved and calmed her heavy heart. Finally, she let out some tears and rubbed her belly bump.

"P-Please forgive mommy, she's still stupid and hopeless, running away and running back to and from her sins and dreams..."

Blake's voice was filled with so much regret, and he hated himself for all the dumb choices he had ever made.

"I promise to show you so much love and comfort when you're born, you deserve it, you deserve it so badly and so very much..."

The now-broken Blake spoke as if she were begging for forgiveness, promising the world for the unborn in her womb, the Shadow just rubbed her master's shoulder and tried to comfort her and calm her down. Seeing this happen was enough for the Devil Hunter to back away and stop watching. No doubt he had seen enough and didn't want to continue watching, as it made him feel upset and uncomfortable. Unconsciously, he held and rubbed his amulet in his hand.

'... Would she cry for me like that?...'
It's hard to write a story when there's barely any story in DMC1 lol~

(BTW, gonna skip this Boss Fight, very unnecessary and won't change anything)

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