The Invitation

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[Time Skip/Flash Back]
"Bye everyone, me and Bianca will be at the mall shopping for new clothes and toys~"
Patty waves bye to everyone as she stood by the entrance of the 'Devil May Cry' shop, while having the stroller that had Bianca in it, who claps her hands and jumps in her seat in excitement

"Stay safe lovely ladies, be sure to be back before the sunset, ok?"
Dante gave a lazy wave, as he continues to read a magazine and snack some leftover pizzas, the Blonde Child nods as she grabs the stroller handle and started to leave the shop, the Legendary Devil Hunter glance up from his reading and see the two young girls finally leave his shop and closed the door behind them

"... Phantom."

"Yeah yeah, I'm on it."
Before Dante could even say anything else, Phantom already knew what he needed to do, getting up from his doggie bed, doing a little bit of stretching, before finally opening a 'Lava Portal' and crawling inside it, this made the Son Of Sparda let out a small relieved sigh as he watch the Flaming Arachnid disappear

"You're such a big softy~"
Yang suddenly came out of nowhere and gently hugs her Husband, wearing a warm yet teasing smile

"I'm not doing anything special, just making sure the kids don't get into any trouble."
Dante tries to keep it cool and acts like he didn't do anything, which made the Satanic Xiao Long chuckle and kisses his cheeks

"I'm surprised you didn't go with them Weiss, you usually love to spoil those two."
As the Famed Flame Brawler continue to mess with the Red Coat Devil, Ruby, who was in the middle of making some kind of blueprint for a new team vehicle, she quickly looks away from her work and faces her BGF, who was in the middle of getting a headache when reading bills and 'Property Damage' expensive

"Unfortunately I can't today, not only because we're low on cash from our 'Last Mission'..."
Weiss then lightly glares at the Husband and Wife, which the teasing turns into something, 'Different'

"But also because Morrison said that he had a new mission for all of us to do, it would be rude of me to ignore such a thing, especially if it might be important."
What Weiss said definitely caught everyone's attention and now looked at her with newfound interest and curiosity

"Do you know what kind of mission it is?"
Dante puts down his magazine and sat up on his chair, clearly wanting to listen and learn more, though before the Demonic Schnee could say or explain more, they were all interrupted by the sound of the front door opening, which made everyone look to see who it was

"I would recommend asking your customer in person, if you want to learn more details about the job."
Not only did the team saw Morrison entering their home and shop, but he seemed to be accompanied by the so called Customer that he was talking about, who seemed to be a young looking lady, with blonde hair, blue green eyes, and had somewhat of a upset and unsure expression

"My name is Nina, it's a pleasure to meet you all."
The Blonde Woman, who was named Nina, despite in speaking with a polite and thankful tone, still seems to be having some kind of doubt and worry, which definitely caught everyone's attention

"Hey, doesn't she look familiar?"
Ruby couldn't help but lean in and whisper to her team

"Well, her blonde hair does remind me of someone..."
Yang rubs her chin and narrows her eyes in slight suspicion and curiosity

"Trying to say she looks like you?"
Dante looks up to his Wife with a teasing smirk, to which she responded with a light punch to the shoulder, which stills hurt him, but just laughs it off

"I am pleased to meet your acquaintance Miss Nina, would you like some tea before discussing the job with us?"
Unlike the others, Weiss decided to not worry or care about such little things and immediately went into her professional business mode, not wasting any time to understand the situation and what she could learn from this

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