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"Oooh this seems to be my type of place~"

After an hour or two of riding the boat, which they either had fun, relaxed, or suddenly felt sad, perhaps with a hint of demon fishing, the ruined boat finally hit land and stopped, giving everyone a chance to see where they were at this time, which seemed to be some kind of old stone arena or something like that. Yang was the first to comment on the area, jumping off and down the boat.

"I wonder why."

Weiss spoke dryly, clearly not surprised that the Flaming Brawler would want to be here

"I hope we're not gonna perform to some Demon Audience, I'm not prepared to be an actor yet."

Ruby pouts at the thought of being pushed into acting without even being given a chance to read a script or wear makeup. She won't work under those conditions. The son of Sparda shrugs at this. He has nothing to say about any of it. More or less, he's just planning on what to do next. While thinking, a hand belonging to a certain Shadow Kitty is held in front of his face, catching his attention.

"Just take my hand already."

Blake, in a grumpy mood, was actually giving her hand to the Man In Red, knowing that there was no point in resisting anymore, which made him grin and hold it tightly

"Thank you for cooperating Kitten~"

The Hellish Belladonna just huffed at Dante's thanks and was just ready to move forward and continue on with the mission, to which they did. The Devil Hunting Group moved towards the big stone battle arena stadium, which was huge, spacious, and empty inside. They saw no signs of life yet, and all they saw were some destroyed walls, ruined statues, and a big blue demonic symbol at the center of the entire place. They wondered if it was a clue as to where they should go next, but before they could find out, the entire Team RWBY suddenly jumped back and avoided a certain big bird that had crashed landed and nearly crushed them.

"Ah, I was wondering where our audiences were~"

Yang taunts, feeling a bit more fired up to have a chance to fight the Devil Chicken, having her weapons out and getting into a stance, as did the others.

"I have been granted more power from my Master Mundus, enough so to kill you all and get vengeance for my missing leg!"

The Griffin held a grudge against what happened to him, and to prove his anger and newfound power, he opened his mouth and shot a Lightning Blast directly at the Shadow Kitty, whose newfound strength and speed startled her. Belladonna reappeared on the VIP seats of the arena, with a large hole in her cloak and static hair. Not to mention the burn marks on her face.

"Um, Since I Already Fought Him, It's Your Turn To Do It!"

Blake yelled down at them, as she sat down, watching the fight, while trying to fix her hair and clean her face, which confused the Devil Hunting Group. However, they quickly dismissed any questions they may have had as they immediately took advantage of the situation to fight without hesitation.

"Sorry birdy, looks like you're out of luck now~"

Ruby smirks as she pulls out her Crescent Devil weapon, all the while her eyes glow slightly

"Mhm, without the liability, there's no reason to be careful~"

Weiss had an evil smile as she got into a stance, with her Demonic Myrtenaster, Crystallize Leg and her DUST Crystals on her hair turning red, hot, and sharp.

"Finally, I can have some real fun around here~"

Yang wore a smug expression as she had her Satanic Celica out and smashed her fist together, while also making her hair burst into flames. The Demonic Bird just took a step back, a little startled by his enemy's eagerness, something that made the Man In Red noticed and chuckles, while taking out both his Grenade Rifle and Needle Gun and aimed it at the Boss Enemy

Legendary Devil HuntressesWhere stories live. Discover now