Friend Or Foe?

467 14 19

"-And basically, that's the whole gist of this entire situation, so yeah, sorry again for the trouble."
After Rodin explains everything, he quickly lights up a new cigar with his purple flaming thumb and looks at everyone that was listening to him, who returned back to base form and were now processing on what he just said

"Wait, so you mean to tell me that she was trying to kill us because she thought I was my Twin Brother?"
Dante tried to make sure he understood everything that he was being told to him

"In my defense, you do look like him, of course a bit more Bum looking, but still more or less the same."
Bayonetta tried to defend herself, not to mention this was the first time she had heard of Vergil having Twin

"You know she's right, even with that coat of your's, you do look like a Bum."
Weiss couldn't help but now noticed how the Son Of Sparda looks like a homeless person, to which offended him

"Hey! At Least Call Me A Stylish Bum!"
Dante cross his arms and puff his cheeks, to which Satanic Xiao Long hugs and comforts him

"Don't listen to her, she's just looking for an excuse to take you shopping~"
Yang sounded more supportive and kisses his cheeks, which made him smile and hold her close, both Umbra Witch and the Infinite One were surprised on how well they were taking this, expecting them to be more mad at attacking them, or even attempting to hunt down someone they obviously knew well

"You're obviously taking this more calmly than I thought you would have."
Rodin thought he would've faced more backlash and anger from them, who just shrugged it off and didn't seemed bothered at all

"It wouldn't be the first time we've been ambushed and attacked out of nowhere, so we're very used to that by now."
Dante just waved it off, 'No harm No Worries' type of philosophy he has

"And to be honest, I'm just glad it was from someone who's more reasonable and not at all a bad guy, very refreshing from the usual 'Evil Demon Wanting Revenge' thing..."
Ruby leans forward and sighs softly, a bit relieved to have a unnecessary death match with someone who honestly seems nice and not that bad

"Though I would recommend not telling one of our friend about you wanting to kill Vergil, she might have moved on, but it is still a sensitive thing to bring up."
Yang quickly gave a warning to them about a certain someone, who accidentally sneezed again during a knighting ceremony, which made her wince when she accidentally cut someone

"We'll keep that in mind."
Bayonetta nods from that piece of information, before her and the Demonsmith started to walk away, once everything was cleared up and apologize for such an accidents, they thought it was best to just leave and not bother them anymore, especially after that they done

"Hey, wanna join us for a slice of Pizza? I know a great joint that sells good Italian pies?"
Dante decided to offer them to join his teammates in dining at a place with Pizza, which made the two look back in surprise again

"Oh! Yes! Please Join Us! We Can Hang Out And Get To Know Each Other More, While Dining In Something Yummy!~"
Ruby was suddenly excited at the thought and got close to them and thought about many things they could talk about and such

"Also don't worry about paying, I'll cover for you all, it will be my treat."
Weiss reassure them on not needing to pay for their meals, as she had everything handled and ready, though that only confuse them even more

"It's one thing to forgive and forget, but it's another to hangout with someone who almost assassinated your ass."
Rodin turns back and tilted his head from not understanding, while also taking a big puff of his cigar

"I must agree, why are you interested in someone who had intentions to kill you and sleep soundly afterwards."
Bayonetta wanted to know their true intentions on why they would offer such a thing to someone like them

"It's basically traditional at this point for us, we mind our own business, someone tries to kill us from misunderstanding, we have an epic battle of unreasonable proportions, and then we end up being friends, simple as that."
Once Yang explain on how things usually go down, both the Magic Lady and the Fallen Angel couldn't help but laugh from what they heard

"Y-You guys are some funny mother fuckers, I like you."
Rodin couldn't help but shake his head and chuckle, already having high opinions on them

"As do I, hehe, so, where is this Pizza place you recommend?"
Bayonetta had the same opinions as her Partner, as she also likes these interesting individuals

"Yay! New BFF'S!~"
Ruby bounce in excitement as she grabs their hands and started to lead them away, already babbling on the many things she would usually say when making new friends and pals, Weiss just rolls her eyes and follow them, making sure the Silver Eye Devil doesn't do anything stupid, both the Red Coat Devil and his Satanic Wife stood behind a bit and just take a moment to watch them all with a small smile

"Our family keeps on growing bigger and bigger huh?"
Yang gave her Devilish Husband a teasing nudge before also leaving to join the group, which left him behind, and actually gave him a moment to himself to think and realize something

'Our family?...'
Dante then looks up at the night sky, which was slowly becoming dawn as the sun rise from the horizon, he couldn't help but smile warmly before walking after his so called 'Family'

"Hey! Who also wants Strawberry Sundae for dessert!~"
Sorry for a short Chapter, but I still wanted to show the aftermath instead of just ignoring it, BTW Dumb question with a probably obvious answer, what's your thoughts on me including other characters similar to Bayonetta? Like Hellboy or Jackie Estacado, maybe even all three? I will most likely not do it, but it is an idea that I did thought of and would like to hear your opinion about it~
(Also, what kind of weapon should Bianca have, I'm thinking chainsaw, your thoughts?~)

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