Let Us Dance

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The Masked Imp continues to try to shoot Nero with her gatling gun chainsaw, also known as 'Lollipop', though none of the bullets seemed to be reaching him as he continues to deflect them away by shooting his own gun, Blue Rose, and once he reached her, he quickly kicks her weapon out of her hands, letting fall and stab into the ground, before finally landing on top of the large statue with his so called enemy and quickly aimed his revolver at her, to which she did the same with her own gun, it seemed to look like, or something similar, to a Winchester Model 1887 with a blade at the tip of the barrel, it also had a named carved into it, 'MaPa Terminator', the two were now at a Mexican standoff, none moved a muscle or showed fear, just staring and glaring at one another, ready to pull the trigger once one of the two showed a opening

"So, mind telling me why you feel so familiar to me?"
Nero honest question of confusion was left unanswered as the Masked Imp pulled a cheap trick of not using her MaPa Terminator, that he was focused on, and used to chainsaw chains that was unwrapped from her wrist and tried to whip him with it, luckily he was able to see and jump away to avoid the surprise attack, though he didn't get far as she also jumped after him and wrapped her legs around his waist, so that he couldn't escape, she quickly aimed her gun at his face and pulled the trigger, he responded to this by biting onto the barrel and force it to aim away from his head, making her miss her shot, he then aimed his Blue Rose under her chin and pulled the trigger, though much to his surprise, a tail came out from under the Masked Imp dress and was used to grab and pulled it away from her, also making him miss a shot, there was a momentary mid air struggle between the two, as both tried to shoot one another, but once the young faunus realized that he was getting nowhere, he changed tactic, after missing and dodging another shot, he quickly took the chance hit her with his elbow, the blow was enough to make her loosen up her leg grip, to which he took full advantage of that and pulled himself completely free before kicking her away, which sent her down roughly but still landed on the head of the statue, as for him, the kick managed to send him up on the ceiling, to which he used to plant his legs on it and pushed him back towards his opponent, aiming his gun at her and fired, she quickly reacted by quickly shooting back, resulting in both bullets bouncing off each other and away from their target, Nero wasted no time shooting again while preparing to tackle her down, though this time she jumped over the shot and got above him, using both of her feet to kick him down below, who tumble and stumble between the stone statue and sword, but he managed to catch himself and look up to that the Masked Imp landed on the tip of the stone sword, but was a bit off balance, after looking at the position that he was in, he had a plan, which involved using brute strength to push the stone sword down, resulting in the statue hand that held the sword to break and started to fall, which did startled her more and nearly made her fall off, to which he took this moment of opportunity to run up the falling sword and try to shoot at her again, who only had enough balance to dodge the shot, but it was still enough of a distraction to jump kick towards her, who quickly blocked it with both of her arms, though it still sent her flying back and landed hard on the ground, but she was able to recover quickly and aimed her gun at him again, who also landed back on the ground and did the same thing to her, though before he could pull the trigger, the Demonic Hellhound came out of nowhere and bit into the arm that held the gun.

"Shit! Forgot about him!"
Nero wince in pain, this time feeling the acid burn his human arm, though while struggling to get the Hellhound off, he suddenly heard something start to wind up, he looks up and saw that the Masked Imp has regained her Lollipop and was preparing to use the gatling gun mode, his distraction and the gun sound was enough to let the Demonic Dog know what to do next, he used both of his claws to grab onto the Son of Belladonna and toss him towards his owner, to which she wasted no time shooting at him, with his arms still healing from the bite, he was forced to defend himself with his devil arm, which did block most of the shot, though when getting shot at he noticed that the bullets, while obviously dealing damage to him, it wasn't necessarily piercing his body like normal bullets

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