Inner & Outer Darkness

540 13 61

[Time Skip/Flash Back]
"Credo Beradon'na, Kyrie Beradon'na, please step forward."
At the big Holy Church of Fortuna, Blake Belladonna, who is was in the middle of acting as 'Bureiku Beradon'na', could be seen standing on the stage, for all the audience could watch and see, and as she stand there, both Credo and Kyrie, the adoptive children of the Priest Of Darkness, who were also now older as well, walked up on the stage and kneels down before their Mother

"Both of you have continued to greatly serve and support your Brothers and Sisters of Fortuna and the Order Of The Sword, with Credo fighting and protecting its citizens, and Kyrie helping and healing the sick and dying."
Blake both mentioned and praised her Adoptive Son and Daughter, who slightly blushed but also felt extremely proud from her words.

"And because of that, you two will now be fully accepted and truly be a part of the Order, and serve a much greater cause."
Blake then lifts up the 'Yamato', which was in it's sheath this time, and gently taps the shoulders and head of her Son, before doing the same with her Daughter

"Credo, you have risen from a simple Guardsman, into a true Holy Knight, of course you will be a simple Warrior, but if you work hard and continue to be determined, then you may one day be a General, or even something higher."
Blake quickly stated the new role that her Son will have, which truly made him happy to be given such a honor

"I will try my best to live up to your expectations."
But even with such feelings, Credo tries his best to act professional and cool, bowing his head and accepting his Mother's kindness

"Kyrie, you have risen from a simple volunteer, into a full fledged Holy Priestess, with this new title, not only will you be able to do more than serve soup to the poor, but be given the privilege to be on stage with me and sing to the entire audience."
Once Blake said this, her Daughter couldn't help but gasps in surprise, not expecting to be allowed to do such a thing, not only to help more people, but also be allowed to do what her Mother does

"I-I will be sure not to cause any trouble with my new title..."
Like her Brother, Kyrie also tries to be calm and collected, though was not as good in completely hiding her emotions and feelings, which made her Mother smile softly

"Usually, this will be the part where I unlock your 'Aura', but since you are my children, it has already been unlocked, so instead, I shall pray and wish for you both to stay safe and live long in your new roles."
Blake held her hands together, with the legendary weapon still in hand, and begins to pray for her children, to which the audience follow suit, getting out of their seats and on their knees, as everyone begins to pray for the two for more or less the same reason, there was a moment of silence as this was happening

The moment of peace was suddenly interrupted by the sound of loud snoring, which made everyone turn their heads and looks to see who was responsible for disturbing the silence

"Oh brother..."
Credo couldn't help but sigh and shakes his head, while his Sister just lets out a small giggle, what they, and everyone saw, was Nero Belladonna, the true Son of the Priest, and basically a Prince Of Darkness, which means he has high status compared to his Adoptive Siblings, but despite that, he acts so carelessly and with little shame, like sleeping through the entire ceremony, most likely due to boredom, this made his mother frown slightly, not because of his actions, she honestly didn't mind if he wish not to be part of this 'Order Of The Sword' stuff, what really bothered her was what the people were saying about him

"To think he's actually the Son of the Priestess ."

"I thought being personally raised by the Maiden would show him some manners?"

"It's very disgraceful, is he even the descendant of Sparda?"
Blake was able to hear all the small talks and whispering, thanks to her Faunus traits, all the bad mouthing of her son made her upset and decided to personally stop it, by slamming the tip of sheathed 'Yamato' on the ground, doing this cause a loud enough sound to stop all the chattering and looked back at her, it even popped the snot bubble of her Son and completely woke him up

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