The Rage Of A Mother & Wife

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Credo stood at the front entrance of his home, glaring at the door while tightly gripping the piece of fabric in his hand, clearly he wasn't in the right headspace, especially after finding out and assuming what happened to Nero, his brother, fortunately he was able to realize this and took the chance to take a deep breath, all the while mentally and physically preparing himself for what he was going to do next, he then lets out said breath he was holding in, feeling a bit more calm, collected and ready, and once his head was back in it's proper space, he opened the door and immediately let himself be known by his sister, Kyrie, and his mother, Bureiku Beradon'na, who were in the living room like area, sitting and were talking to one another, all the while having the Royal Knights Of Nyx both serve and protect them, he couldn't help but sighs and walks up to them

"Credo? Are you ok? You're not hurt are you? What about Nero? Is he also ok? Do you and Nero need me or Angela to heal you both?"
Blake Belladonna wasted no time getting up from her seat and immediately checks over her son, asking him if he and her other son were safe and sound, no doubt she was beyond worried about both of her children, which actually made her eldest child feel more guilty and disappointed with himself.

"... He was taken away from us before I could even get the chance to come back to help him..."
Credo, not wanting to lie about the situation or suffer anymore sins and failures, told his mother what happened with no filter or hidden details, she deserves to hear that much, through it doesn't mean she was gonna take the news very well at all

"... W-What?..."
Blake's son then pulls out a ripped piece of cloth, which was no doubt a part of Nero's coat, he then gently put it in her hand and allowed her to look at it with wide eyes, even Kyrie and the Nyx's couldn't help but gasps and go wide eyes from seeing this

"I... I will do everything that I can to save Nero, no matter what, you have my word!"
Despite feeling like he had failed, Credo wore a very determined look, internally swearing revenge on the person responsible for all the bad things that happened today... A moment of silence falls upon his mother, who continues to look at the piece of clothing, shaking slightly from emotions that were starting to bottle deep within her, so much so that even her shadow servant Boon couldn't help but notice and worry greatly

"Credo, take Kyrie somewhere safe, our home might not be safe at the moment."

"B-But what about you Mo-"
Despite any negative feelings she may still carry, Kyrie wanted to protest and wish for Blake to be with them, but one of the Nyx, specifically Angela Lansbury, placed a hand on her shoulder and shook her head, this made the daughter frown but she said nothing else, as she walks up to her older brother, to which he held close to him

"I shall inform you whenever we find any leads of Nero's whereabouts."
Without saying anything else, Credo bow his head in salute, while Kyrie sadly waves, before the two of them started to leave their home and go somewhere that's both safe and hopefully find a way to search for Nero, the demonic faunus, once she was left alone with her Royal Knights, clenched the piece of cloth in her hand, before turning and walks away from the living room

"Pack everything important, including my children's things, we are leaving after Nero is found..."
Blake didn't give anyone a chance to respond as she walks up the stairs, leaving her guardians In the living room, who couldn't help but look at one another with slight worried and concerned expression for their mistress

"Well, I guess Kitty is angry, hmph."
Was all Forte could say before fixing his white tie and also walking off to do what he was told by the Priestess of Darkness, no one really disagree or made a comment on what he said and just followed suit, doing what they were told

"... Boon, you know what to do."
While Blake was walking up stairs, and heading towards the direction to her room, she glanced at her living shadow and gave a simple objective of what it needed to do now, to which they nod and quickly left their now shadowless mistress, who just lets out a exhausted and very upset sigh

'Why you? Why did they have to take you? What can that person want with you Nero, they must have taken you for a reason?'
Blake rubs her temples in frustration with one hand while using the other to reach the entrance of her room and grabs the handle of her doorknob, twisting and beginning to open it.

'Don't worry Nero, I'll come save you as soon as Boon finds yo-'
However as soon as Blake opened her door completely, she couldn't help but go wide eyes when she saw that her small shrine altar area, that was made in the honor of her late lover, not only did she see it completely destroyed, but also saw that Yamato, one of the last things she had from Vergil, and the weapon she was entrusted to take care of and protect by both him and Dante, it was gone, completely gone, the evidence point to it being stolen, and as she considered the idea, the Priestess Of Darkness completely snapped.

'They took Nero... They took Yamato... they took Nero, they took Yamato, They Took Nero, They Took Yamato, THEY TOOK NERO! THEY TOOK YAMATO! THEEEEEY TOOOOOK-!!!"
While Blake grabbed her cat ears and started to pull on them with extreme rage, stress and motherly instincts, a member of the Nyx's, Circe Lansbury, knocked and opened the bedroom door and stook her head inside

"Lady Bureiku, David wanted to let you know that-"
Before Circe could say anything else, Blake Belladonna literally exploded, a explosion made of pure power and darkness, with a whole ton load of strong emotions, and said explosion not only destroyed her entire room, but was also seen and broken windows a few miles away, once the black fire and smoke clear, the young Rose Nyx, who surrounded herself in black thorns for protection, looked back at her Lady when she was able to see and hear again, she gasps and went eyes wide when she saw something that wasn't the Priestess, but instead a shadow-like demon, who sat on her knees, and looking at a ring, a amulet and a picture that was on her hands and was able to save from the explosion, she then clenched her first and let the items disappear into her shadowy mass before glaring at Circle, who couldn't help but flinched lightly from her angry gaze

Officially officially officially, DMC 4 will start next chapter, might not be 100% the same as the game, but it will still begin and be heading towards such a large story, yay~
(I was thinking about letting Blake think her Son is dead, buuuut, that would not end well for all of Fortuna)

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