Good Morning And Good Night

496 13 40

[Time Skip/Flash Back]
"How horrible..."
Stepping out of a large truck, which looks like a medieval yet somewhat advanced vehicle, was a young looking man, maybe around 16 years old, who wore some kind of white soldier coat with black under clothes, had a normal sword on his hip, and had a combed back brown hair, this was Credo Belladonna, the adoptive son of Blake Belladonna, and he was beyond unhappy on what he was seeing right now

"To think such a thing could be allowed to happen in our day and age..."
Credo frowns softly, what he saw before him was a broken area, luckily it wasn't the whole city that was suddenly turned into ruins, but it was still big enough to see such destruction affect a lot of people

"Yay!~ Little Knight Credo Is Here!~"
Though unfortunately for him, all of this was enough of a distraction for him to not notice Yang, who just wore slightly revealing outdoor working clothes, coming up from behind and hugging him tightly, which immediately startled him and struggles to get out such a strong grip

"How's my favorite sparring buddy doing? Been doing lots of pushups Little Knight?~"
Yang giggles and gave him teasing pokes to the cheeks, the young Knight did calm down a bit, once realizing she wasn't a enemy, but still felt embarrassed and upset to be treated like this

"Stop using that nickname, It's beyond childish!"
Credo blush in slight anger and managed to escape from her tight hug, to which she gave him a teasing smile and pets his head, clearly not phased by his reaction

"Don't be so mad, I'm just happy to see you again Little Knight~"
He couldn't help but sigh in exhaustion, was already mentally tired from just being around Yang, though he decided to ignore this for now

"Just tell me what happened here, I was under the impression that a Devil was causing mayhem in this City."
Even though it was wrong to think in such a way, but Credo was slightly hoping that the Devil was still around, so that he and his fellow holy knights could defeat it and prove their worth back at home

"Well, there was a Devil, I think his name was Egosex? I think?"
Yang says as she taps her chin and tries to remember the name, this at first confuses the young Knight, but after carefully thinking about what she said, he gasps and his eyes go wide with shock

"Do you mean 'ARGOSAX THE CHAOS'?! The One Who Can Rival The Power Of Mundus And Combine The Mortal Realm With Hell By His Presence Alone?!"
Once Credo understood what was truly happening, he quickly got ready to call in his Brother's and Sister's of the Holy Knights and prepare for battle

"Rivaling Mundus? I think that's a bit of an exaggeration, especially since he went down too easily compared to that guy, even though we were holding back this time."
After Yang said this, the Young Knight couldn't help but get shocked by what he had just heard

"Y-You team of Mercenaries actually defeated the threat?..."
Credo, despite recognizing that Satanic Xiao Long, and her family, were stronger than most, still didn't expect, or even believe, that they were actually that strong, strong enough to defeat a world ending threat, all by themselves, and with the aid of the forces of Fortuna

"It's actually nothing new for us, like last month we dealt with a Vag Face, Zit Bitch, and a TV, God those three were annoying, they just wouldn't stop cursing."
Yang couldn't help but rub her head and wore a slight annoyed expression from remembering such a headache, though the Young Knight ignored that and couldn't help but be in deep thoughts

"..... Then why were we summoned here?"
Credo couldn't help but now wear a very confused expression, bit understanding the reason or purpose of being here

"Well, as you can tell, this place isn't actually great to look at, broken homes and broken people, so we asked your mother to see if she could lend a few helping hands to clean up this mess."
What Yang said greatly offended the young knight, whether intentional or not, cause from his point of view, she was basically saying that he and all of the Holy Knights from Fortuna were nothing more than a clean up crew that picked up the mess from these glorified Mercenaries, that thought annoyed him, Angered Him, INFURIATED HIM!...

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