The Legend Meets~

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Team DRWBY was finally back at the top of the tower, which looked a bit more hellish than the last time they visited, but they didn't back down, didn't show any ounce of fear.

"Are you sure you girl's are ready for this?"

Dante ensured his teammates were truly prepared to continue moving forward

"He Needs To Pay For Everything!"

Blake spoke with great existent rage

"He Needs To Die For Wrecking The Shop!"

Weiss's rage was not contained.

"He Gonna Eat More Than My Knuckles sandwiches!"

Yang's anger was uncontrollable.

"He Needs To Suffer And To Stay In Hell!"

Ruby's rage was too great for her innocence.

"Well then, let's wrap up this crazy party, shall we~"

Dante smirked, very happy to see his teammates so fired up; once everyone was ready, the Devil Hunting Group let themselves be taken up to the sky portal, and into Hell, finally. Once inside, they soon found themselves landing in a flooded area, with some broken ruins surrounding them. The demonic people stood up and looked around.

"... Why's everything so purple and wet?"

This was Ruby's first and only question, before someone tried to sneak attack them and swing their sword at them, which Dante calmly blocked with his Rebellion, and pushed them away. Once this happened, the rest of the teammates quickly pulled out their weapons and got ready to attack the person who tried to harm them.

"Welcome, what do you think after looking at your father's image?"

Standing before Team DRWBY, was Arkham, who wielded the blade called Force Edge and looked a lot more demonic than he had before. Also, when the demon referred to him as 'Father', the RWBY Girls finally understood everything that was happening, although it really didn't change much, since they still saw their leader as a great man.

"It's like staring into a backed up toilet, why do you always stick your nose in other families' business?"

Dante was clearly unhappy with the demon in front of him, and all the things it had put him through.

"Yeah! Did you even realize how many lives you ruined today!"

Blake clenched her weapons tightly, wanting nothing more than to kill this person and finally be done with it.

"You can still talk after seeing THIS?!"

Arkham then began to power up, which caused his entire body to start changing, morphing into a new shape.

"I feel the devil's power overflowing my body, The Power Of Sparda!~"

Arkham finished powering up and transformed into a giant blob/slime monster with legs, claws, and tentacles.

"Oh my freaking god, he became a giant purple blob..."

Weiss felt as if she were going to get sick from seeing such a horrific sight that stood before her.

"God it's so ugly, I need to see something beautiful to forget about what I just saw... Hey~"

After seeing the disgusting thing, Yang took this opportunity to admire something more beautiful in order to erase the memory of the ugly thing; the Devil Hunter teased the blonde by winking at her.


Ruby yelled at her sister and leader in frustration, which caused the two to wear a big smile and have nothing to be ashamed of.

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