The Party Officially Starts

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Spotlight turns on, revealing Kyrie Beradon'na standing at the center of the stage, her expression was slightly hollow and sad, clearly from what happened last night, but she refused to let that keep her down, she takes a moment to catch her breath and clear her mind, and when the music start, she moved forward and begins to fulfill the reason she was on the stage in the first place

Kyrie: "Listen to my voice calling you, calling you out of darkness..."
As Kyrie sings the song, called 'Out Of Darkness', a deep thought Blake Belladonna and a calm unconcerned Agnus could be seen standing at the sides of Sanctus, who just sat down on his throne and enjoys listening to the lovely opera music, as for Credos Beradon'na, he just stood at the sidelines of the stage, being with his fellow Holy Knights brothers, and just like his younger sister, he was also still in a sour mood, which only worsen when he noticed the grandson of Sparda wasn't here, though despite the entire Beradon'na Family was at a state of tension and uncertain feelings, luckily everyone one else in the church seemed to have not noticed the internal and private struggle that they were having, just sitting and enjoying the performance, not a single person bringing up the whole situation... Well, all except the Grand Priest

"I have lived long and experienced enough to know when someone is troubled."
Sanctus, without facing away from the singing Heavenly Cantatrice, he spoke up, and was obviously speaking to Belladonna, who could only sigh in response

"Observant as always, Sanctus."
Blake wasn't upset that His Holiness noticed something was up, they had known each other for a long time after all, it was surprising to her for him to point it, though that didn't change the fact that she wasn't happy that he caught on to her problems she was having

"Family matters no doubt, I noticed how your entire family was acting when arriving here."
Bureiku couldn't help but feel like a children's book from how easily Sanctus was able to read her and her children.

"A... A simple disagreement with one another, which did get a little out of hand quickly, but it is nothing to be concerned about, we just need a moment to cool down and we should be able to talk it out with one another."
Despite the large amount of trust Blake had for the older man, she wasn't going to tell him everything that was wrong, nor force or allow him to get involved in matters that technically don't concern him, to which he did nod in understanding.

"Forgive me for being intrusive, guess my old age just made me curious about the younger people's private lives."
Sanctus was willing to drop the subject, not forcing the Priestess of Darkness to indulge his curiosity, which was something she did appreciate, though since he brought up said private subject, she couldn't help but suddenly think about something that she couldn't keep quiet about

"... I'm thinking about quitting and moving away from Fortuna."
When Blake said this, the sound of glass slightly cracking caught her attention, quickly she looks and noticed the Holy Priest calmly drinking his cup of tea

"That is certainly an interesting idea that you brought up, nearly made me drop my tea from the suddenness of that."
Sanctus then sighs and put down his tea cup, this time facing away from the performance and looking into the amber eyes of Beradon'na

"But something tells me that this is no simple passing thought, isn't it?"
Belladonna only responded to that question by glancing away slightly, which was enough of an answer for Sanctus

"I see... My only request is to not leave just yet, it might be selfish to ask if that since I have no control of your life."
Sanctus looked back at the singing daughter of Bureiku, who was also closed to her climax, not only that, but Nero appears to have arrived in time as well, or at least made it before it ended, which actually made the mother of that child smile lightly to see

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