Entertaining The Guest~

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In another room of this big old tower, we see Team DRWBY in the middle of fighting some bloody demon birds, which were quite a challenge to deal with since they needed to be killed in a certain way - 'Shoot First, Hit Next'. Luckily, this was an easy quick fix; the Team Leader was in charge of shooting everything, as he seemed to have unlimited ammo and had the Gunslinger Style ability. Once they turned into stone, the Teammate quickly rushed in and destroyed the demon statues. It was a simple plan and easy to do, though it was made harder due to a certain Jester continuously making fun of them, mocking them, and laughing very loudly, which echoed throughout the entire room.

"Do You Still Like Him Now Ruby?!"

Weiss was the most annoyed by this, and would unnecessarily destroy the Demon Statues in violent ways with her Myrtenaster.


Ruby said in defeat, as she quickly and precisely slashed the demon in half with her Crescent Rose, making it a very clean cut.

"Weiss, leave her alone, I hate it when you get mad at someone even though she didn't do anything..."

Blake, who wore the same exhausted expression, used her Ribbon Mode to grab the Demon Birds with it and swing/throw them away.

"Just because your the most mature, doesn't make you the mom of this team, Blake~"

Yang teased her partner, as she managed to punch the stone statue, causing it to explode with a single Ember Celica shot, killing all of the demons in the process. The Devil Hunter finally holstered his guns.

"I can't imagine myself as a dad, I'm more of a cool uncle type of guy, like I'll spoil the kid's, but don't take the responsibility if they did something bad."

Dante gave his two random two cents as he watched his team rest up and reload their weapons.

"Come on Dante, don't say that, I know you'll make an amazing father."

Ruby tried her best to sound supportive.

"If you want some extra training, you can be my 'daddy'~"

Yang could not pass up that perfect opportunity to make a flirty and perverted comment that her sister had set up for her, which made the Red Coat raise his eyebrows and smirk.

"Really Yang? Did you really just say that?..."

Weiss shook her head in disappointment for such an inappropriate comment; the Brawler and Devil laughed at her misery.

"Let's just go already..."

Blake decided to end it before they started either fighting or making any more jokes; she wasn't in the mood to deal with such headaches today. The entire team had their hands up in surrender, not wanting to risk releasing a bag full of angry kittens. The Faunus gave one last glare before walking off to the next room.

"Fear the Grumpy Cat."

Dante quipped before following the Grumpy Cat, to which the rest followed, and being careful not to anger someone who rarely got mad – that didn't involve racism, anyway. The Team DRWBY continued to walk around the big tower, killing some more low-level demons, and then finally arriving at some random room. They entered, and once inside, the team saw two large pillars that stood beside a massive door. On top of those pillars were two muscular demons with very small heads.

"Brother, Brother, I smell royals entering our chambers."

The Red Demon was the first to speak, which instantly confused the RWBY girls, and caused the Red Coats to sigh in annoyance.

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