We Meet Again~

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"I'll leave this to you, cuz I don't want to miss the party~"

After Dante waved goodbye to Lady, who was surrounded by demons, he went inside the tower and closed the door behind himself; once inside, he quickly ran into the RWBY girls. He immediately noticed their new weapons, clothing, and bodies—all very demonic and devilish. This prompted him to quickly pull out Ebony Ivory and aim it at them. The four replied in kind and aimed their weapons at him as well. There was a moment of silence and suspicion between them.

"... Are you girl's trying to kill me because I'm the Son Of Sparda, or because I left you on the roof?"

Dante decided to break the silence and asked the only question that might help him understand the situation

"Being left on the roof AND keeping secrets from us."

Ruby answered the question; the others nodded in agreement.

"Fair enough."

Dante accepted this answer and put away his guns, now knowing that his teammates were still themselves and not corrupted devils that wanted revenge; he spread his arms, preparing to be shot, stabbed, or receive any other form of punishment, as he felt he deserved it for what had happened to them. Instead of a major beating, however, he instead received a group hug from them.

"You're not mad at me?"

Dante was surprised to see the RWBY girls hugging him and not hurting him; he was definitely not expecting this.

"We're beyond livid, but we understand why, especially me."

Blake gave a sympathetic expression, while also wiggling her kitty ears to prove her point.

"Besides, we got more important things to focus on, like wrecking the tower, killing a bunch of demons, and getting revenge on your brother."

Yang wore a expression that could best be described as "Break Everything Until I'm Satisfied", which caused the Demonic Human to chuckle.

"Heh, thank you, I'll still explain everything once this is over."

Dante hugged them back, wearing a soft smile, no doubt appreciating their understanding and support.

"Can't wait, Now Let's Continue This Party!~"

Weiss was the first to let go, wearing a very eager expression to continue this unfinished battle, as she then ran off, ready to fight anything she came across; her teammates could only watch her excitedly run to a random direction.

"... How does turning her into part demon make her a better person?"

Dante couldn't help but ask, the girl just shrugged and decided to not question it; the Devil Hunter accepted this answer as he and the rest chased/followed the Ice Queen, soon, after passing through many demon hordes, solving some mirror puzzles, and finding some kickass weapons lying around, Team DRWBY finally arrived in a room, that seemed to have some type of stage at the other end of the room. The RWBY girls walked in with some caution, despite having more power, they still wanted to be safe than sorry, a feeling not shared by the Red Coat, who just acted like he owned the place.

"What type of Boss Demon do you think we're gonna face next?"

Ruby couldn't help but ask, looking around and trying to spot any sign of demonic life in the room.

"Judging by the last two we fought, either someone very horrifying, or weirdly evil."

Blake wore narrow eyes, as she had two of her blades out and pointed around her, ready to slash and defend.

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