Petty Bug~

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"That was much too close for comfort..."

After that whole Nelo Angelo encounter, the entire Team DRW(B)Y, after recovering, rushed towards Blake, to see if she and her baby were okay, and despite having very harsh bruises on her neck, she was completely fine, much to everyone's relief; Yang couldn't help but sigh, no doubt this situation had stressed her and the others out immensely.

"See Blake, do you understand how dangerous it is now?"

Ruby crossed her arms; though she wasn't necessarily mad at the Shadow Kitty for almost getting seriously hurt, she was clearly not happy about it.

"I understand that I need to be more careful and fight more seriously."

Despite nearly having her neck crushed, Blake did not seem discouraged; in fact, she seemed more motivated to continue moving forward, much to everyone's dismay.

"Why do we even bother anymore..."

Weiss just slumps forward and groans in defeat, a feeling shared by others; the Corrupted Faunus just huffs in response.

"So, where to nexts Dante?"

Blake just wanted to move on already, though before a frustrated Devil Hunter could reply, loud sounds and a mighty roar were heard, causing everyone to look as Phantom climbed over a wall and pounced at the Devil Hunting Group, who jumped back to avoid being crushed.

"Recess Time Is Over Weaklings, Here There's Plenty Of Room To Get Real Nasty!"

The Phantom spoke with extreme confidence and arrogance, which caused the team to scoff.

"We've beaten you once, what makes you think we can't do it again?"

Yang walked up to the Lava Scorpion, planning to be the first one to strike at the Demon, though before she could, the Corrupted Blonde noticed a panther made of shadows jumped on the back of the demon, before shooting a long sharp spike from its head, and towards the Brawler, who only managed to avoid the attack by the Cat Ninja's ribbon pulling her back, saving her life.

"This Time, I Brought A Friend!"

The Phantom lets out an evil chuckle before shooting a FireBall at the group, forcing them to split up. The Panther focuses on the R, W, and Y, while the Lava Scorpion targets D, B.

"I'm gonna take great pleasure in killing you all~..."

The Phantom raised a claw and slammed it down, attempting to crush the two, who managed to jump back and pull out their swords. Unfortunately, the Son of Sparda still held the hand of Hellish Belladonna, much to her increasing annoyance, but decided to ignore that and just focus on the enemy, who shot a few more fireballs. The Corrupted Faunus held onto the Man in Red tightly, and used shadow clones to both avoid the attacks and get close to the Lava Scorpion. Once they were up to its face, the Shadow Faunus swung the White-Haired Man at the Magma Bug, who used Rebellion to slash deep into his eyes, while also using the momentum to swing the Cat Ninja onto the back of Phantom, who then quickly stabbed him with her Hellish Shroud. The Demon roared in pain and tried to swipe her with his tail, but the Red Coat Devil pulled her back and deflected it with his huge sword.

"I thought you said recess was over, why are you still playing around~"

Dante taunted as he had his Rebellion on his shoulder, while Blake used her gun mode and aimed it at Phantom, who just roared and continued its attacks, while the Devil Hunter and the Corrupted Faunus dealt with the Lava Scorpion; Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were in the middle of dealing with the Panther, which was quite a challenge - not only was the demonic cat too fast for them to get a clean hit, but whenever they got close, it would either sink into the ground and run off, or turn its entire body into a ball of spikes and blades, making it a formidable foe.

"Ugh! This Is The Second Most Annoying Kitty We Have To Deal With!"

Yang couldn't help but yell in frustration, causing her hair to catch on fire; fortunately, her momentary irritation was enough of a distraction for the Black Cat to jump and transform into a spinning blade, forcing the Corrupted Blonde to block it. The Shadow Feline then spun and pushed harder, nearly starting to slice the Brawler's face, but before it could, the Panther was suddenly stopped and thrown backward, landing on the ground hard. This confused the Satanic Xiao Long, although when she looked down and saw a certain Shadow glaring at her, she both immediately understood what had just happened and looked away sheepishly.

"Yeah... Blake heard me, didn't she..."

Yang could feel the angry frown and glare coming from the Shadow's Master, who was still fighting the Magma Bug with Dante, the Black Silhouette let out a huff and walked away to help the others.

"I'll just keep my mouth shut now..."

Yang said before joining the fight, with the help of the Shadow, fighting the Panther had become much easier, as not only could the Silhouette make the Panther stop moving, but also prevented it from attacking, giving Ruby, Weiss, and herself a window to go in and strike. They didn't waste the opportunity and showed no mercy, much to the frustration and pain of the Black Cat, who let out a loud roar and used its bladed tail to stab into the shoulder of the Shadow, a wound that was also inflicted upon the Corrupted Faunus, causing black blood to spill everywhere, which caught the entire team's attention. This gave the two boss demons a chance to counterattack and smash them away, forcing them to be sent flying backwards. Once the two enemies gained some distance, they decided to try something different; the Panther jumped and landed on the Lava Scorpion, before melting and covering most of its body. Then, the Shadow Cat fused with the Magma Bug, giving it sharper claws, a stinger, and additional armor.


The Phantom roared loudly in anger, as it charged at the recovering Devil Hunter group, both ready to crush them while charging up a fireball; the Son of Sparda saw this and let out a sigh.

"This is stupid..."

Dante was just not feeling it right now; so, not to waste any more time, he stood up, steadied his legs, and raised his arms and hands. Once he got into his stance, the Lava Scorpion got close enough to start swinging and slamming its claws wildly, while also using its tail to rapidly stab and jab at him without stopping. Finally, it ended it all by firing off a large Fireball, creating a large smoke and dust cloud, which went everywhere. The Magma Bug let out tired panting, as it watched the area clear up and noticed that the man in red was still standing, and the corrupted females were completely fine and okay.


The Phantom was beyond disbelief and shock, so much so that the Lava Scorpion didn't react to the Devil Hunter standing up straight, walking up to it, and placing his hand in front of its face.

"Royal Release."

Dante, after saying those two words, channeled all the stored-up power into his hand, before performing a One Inch Punch on the Lava Scorpion's face, which not only sent the Demon Spider flying, but also killed the Panther instantly; the Magma Bug then crashed down onto and through the floor, and got impaled by a huge spike, causing it to struggle and yell in pain.

"You... You're no ordinary weaklings, I-I smell demonic blood in all of you!"

The Phantom looked up at the big hole it had made, and saw the entire Team of DRWBY looking down at them.

"E-Especially You Two! You Both Smell Of Him! SPARDA!"

He pointed at both Dante and Blake, then coughed up lava blood, finally starting to die; he slowly melted away and turned into ashes, which the Five Fighters found very relieving.

"It's about time we've turned down the heat~"

Yang crosses her arms and lets out a proud smirk for that one-liner she said, which earns her a dirt ball to the face, making the Corrupted Blonde cough and wipe her face, before glaring at the Shadow, who acts like she didn't do anything.

"I take back what I said earlier, YOU are definitely the most annoying kitty I have ever met."
Oh jeezus, one fight after another, When Will It End?! Hehe~

(Should I give Blake's Shadow a name? I'm thinking of calling it Silhouette, what do you think?)

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