What Are You In For?

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[Time Skip/Flash Back]
In a small room that looks more like a high security prison cell, three certain individuals could be seen patiently waiting and doing their own things inside the room, like Yang was doing a one handstand push ups, with her pinky, Ruby was in the middle of tinkering and messing with a few mechanical parts and some 'Dust' she borrowed, and as for Weiss, she just sat on the prison bed and played the harmonica, specifically playing a song called 'Folsom Prison Blues', only cause it felt fitting to play, all three of them were doing their own things and said nothing while doing it, as if being in jail was a good moment to relax and chill, though as they were enjoying their time inside the walls of confinement, the Devilish Rose suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked out the only window they had in their rooms, specifically looking out and seeing the moon light shine upon them, very bright and beautiful

"..... 11 Years."
As soon as Ruby said this, both of her teammates/partners suddenly stop what they were doing and looked at her, who continue to have a deep and thoughtful look on her face

"11 years have passed, 11 Years of being stuck here, 11 years since we first met Dante, 11 years of hunting Demons, 11 years of becoming part Demons ourselves... And 11 years since we last saw our home."
Ruby then looks at both Satanic Xiao Long and Demonic Schnee, who wore expression of someone who just realized how much time has passed

"Do you miss Remnant?"
Once Ruby asked this, both of them suddenly wore deep and very thoughtful expression, as if carefully thinking and wondering about the question they've been asked

"If you want my honest opinion, I do miss our World, and if we have a chance to visit them, then I would be beyond happy... Though going back, I would have to say no."
After a moment of thinking it through, Yang suddenly gave her answer, which honestly surprised the other two

"You wouldn't want to go back?"
Ruby didn't actually think her own Sister would say such a thing

"Don't get me wrong, I miss Dad, Qrow, our friends and even Zwei to death, and any opportunity to at least see and talk to them one more time would make me feel happier, but, even if I do miss them, it's not enough to make me want leave this new home I've made for myself."
Yang then reached into her pocket and pulls out a picture of herself, Dante and Bianca, smiling softly whenever she looks at it

"I've achieved so much here, I have a loving husband, I have a beautiful daughter, and a real place I can call home, even if I lost a lot after leaving Remnant, I would lose so much more if I go back."
Yang wipes away any tears that threaten to fall, as she puts away the picture back in her pocket safely

"So no Sis, I wouldn't want to go back, no matter what anyone offers me."
Yang spoke with such conviction and determination, which honestly made Ruby slightly speechless, not knowing what to say after hearing that

"... What about you Weiss?"
Ruby was now curious on what her own Girlfriend would say, and while she did think about it for a second, she answered her almost instantly

"I would rather fight Mundus and Jester solo before ever going back home."
Weiss spoke with a cheerful smiling expression despite what she said, which slightly made the two shiver in slight fear

"Damn, a little harsh, don't you think?"
While Yang did expect the Ice Empress would have the same answer as her, she didn't think she would be brutally honest about it

"Please forgive my language, but I would choose any other horrible option before I ever go back home."
Weiss acted as if going back to Remnant would be the most horrible choice she would ever make

"But why?"
Ruby tilted her head, not understanding why her own BGF would say such a thing

"While I would admit I miss some things about Remnant, like my Sister, I would not be truly happy there, like I am here."
Weiss wore a slight frown as she started to remember her horrible lonely childhood

"For me at least, I have no real reason to go back home, no reason to miss it, and no reason to even remember it. Earth is my new home, and it's a place I would stay for, a place I would miss and a place that I would never forget."
Weiss smile a pure happy smile, she was completely content and relaxed to live in a world she was in now, this honestly made the Silver Eye Devil to be slightly conflicted, she honestly never expected them to say such a thing, to choose 'Earth' over 'Remnant', she almost couldn't believe it

"What about you Sis?"
Yang's question made the Legendary Devil Huntress snap out of thought and look up to the two

"Would you rather go back home?"
Weiss asked the same thing the Famed Flame Brawler was asking, which made the Demonic Red Riding Hood think very deeply about the question, momentarily conflicted, and having so many memories back at home, of her Family, Friends, and the life she had back at Remnant, there was so much stuff that made her want to go back home, more compared to her Partner, though, when she also remembered what she had here, on Earth, and know how much it meant to her, she couldn't help but finally realize which one she would rather have

Ruby smile softly as she looked back at the thing she was tinkering with and continue to fix it up

"I wanna stay here, for you."
Ruby was then finished she was creating, and begin to hold it up for all to see

"And for me."
Ruby quickly looked out the window, and face the Moon again, to which both the Demonic Schnee and the Satanic Xiao Long also looked at as well

"Then we all agree, this is our new home now, and we will do everything we can to protect and preserve it."
Weiss said this while standing up to her feet and holding the harmonica closer to her chest

"Our new home, and our new life."
Yang smiles as she also stood up and clenched her gloved hands with newfound fire and motivation

"Hehe, I love it here, so freaking much~"
Ruby giggles very happily, before pushing the button of the device she made, which quickly activated and made a loud sound before exploding, which was big enough to destroy the entire room, and awaken a certain Warden of this prison, who quickly sat up on his chair and look at the camera, which revealed a perfectly alive and fine Trio Demon Hunters, who was in the middle of walking out the cell they were in, which made the Warden growls angrily, revealing sharp teeth and red glowing eyes, he used his now clawed hand to grabbed the microphone and turn it one

Onces the Warden gave the order, all the Prison Guards, who were actually Demons in disguise, runs towards and after the area that the Trio was in, who just waited for them and wore expression of pure confidence and arrogance, quickly summoning their weapons and prepare to fight and kill all the Devilish creature, though before anything could happen, Ruby suddenly couldn't help but think about something else

'I wonder if Blake feels the same?...'
In your opinion, would this version of Blake want to go back home, or want to stay like the rest of her Ex Teammates?~
(BTW, we're getting very close to the ending of DMC 2/Anime~)

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