The Real Party Begins

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[Time Skip/Flash Back]
"This doesn't look good."
Morrison, who was standing by the car and holding Bianca in his arms, couldn't help but look at the apartment building with a very concerned look, clearly seeing a bright light and a destroyed roof doesn't inspire much comfort in him

"Oh really, what gave it away? The bright ominous light, or the Demon behind us that's trying to kill us?"
Phantom, who was on the shoulder of the business man, couldn't help but reply with a dry and slightly dread filled tone, though what he said made the man tense up, quickly turning around and saw a random Demon pouncing and attempting to kill them, though before it could, or before the Lava Arachnid would actually do something for once, a very long demonic looking spiked chain with a metal sharp spike at the end of it came flying in and wrapped around its neck, before being pulled away from them and suddenly got pinned down by someone's black leather boot

"For me, it was the light."
Trish couldn't help but bud into the conversation and gave her own answer to the Magma Scorpion question, all the while pulling hard on the Manriki chain, before twisting the Demons neck and bringing the weapon back in her hand

"Likewise, it's pretty hard not to notice it, it literally shined the entire sky."
Gunshots could be heard, which was made by Lady, who's walking pass the corpse of other Demons that appeared and stood with the other's

"Lady, Trish, I think Team DRWBY are in trouble and need your help!"
Morrison was clearly a bit concerned about what's happening, as he points at the roof of the building, as if letting the two know where all this craziness was coming from

"Hmph, when are they ever 'Not' in trouble?"
Lady rolled her eyes, not all that surprised that they would get themselves into this kind of this mess, it was basically traditional at this point

"100 Bucks that they're all stabbed this time."
Once Trish made the bet, the Walking Arsenal was about to agree to such a bet, but just before they were about to head towards the building, which had a bunch of Demons coming out the entrance, a very loud roar could be heard, and something very large came crashing down hard and fast, crushing the Demons under him, this startled everyone, the two female Demon Killers we're suddenly on their guard and got ready to attack and defend, while JD slowly backs away, holding Bianca close, who honestly didn't look scared and was more curious if anything, though as for a certain Magma Scorpion, he was completely terrified

Was all Phantom could say before the giant Golden Demon, the one known as Abigail, lets out another loud roar, before shooting some kind energy blast at them, to which both the Gunslinger and the Bewitching Devil we're able to dodge and get JD, Bianca and the Lava Arachnid out of the way, resulting the attack hitting the ground, which caused a very huge explosion and left nothing behind but a crater

"I Will Let No Mortal Come Near My Master!!!"
Abigail started to just shoot random blast attacks from all random directions, though as this was happening, the Armed Hunter quickly helps JD, Chibi Demon, and Bianca in the car, pressing 'Absolute Defense' button, which surrounds the car with a advanced techno and magical shield, all the while the Fiendish Femme Fatale tries to distract and attack the Golden Demon

"Once The Shield Drops, Press The 'Auto Drive' Button, It Already Has A Location Set To Take You Somewhere Safe!"
With nothing more to say, Lady locks and closes the door, and after making sure they were completely safe, she was finally able to turn her attention fully to the large Golden Demon, who was in the middle of shooting more blast of energy at the Biker Blonde, who keeps smacking it away with her chain weapon, the Gunslinger quickly pulls out 'CZ-75' and 'VZ.61 Scorpion' and wasted no time laying out some crazy amount of bullets on him, unfortunately each and every single shot just bounce off harmlessly the seemingly durable body, he didn't even notice it, which made the Walking Arsenal puff out some air from her mouth in annoyance

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