The Grandson Of Sparda

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"A 1, and a 2, and a 1, 2, 3, 4."
A older man, with long grey hair and dressed nicely, quickly started to play on the piano, which was located on the top of the balcony, the music he played was beyond flawless and perfect, no key was missed or accidentally pressed, this elderly gentleman was known as Timothy James Curry, though he prefers to be called 'Maestro Forte: The Soulful Pianist', as the name implies, he was a very well known great pianist, though while he continues to prove that title with music that was both calming yet very fast pace epic, two certain individuals could be seen below the balcony that the performer was on, and they seemed to be in the middle of having some kind of dual between one another while the pianist played his music in the background, one of the two fighters was a young man, who seemed to be slightly shorter compared to the person he was fighting, but he was absolutely no push over, as he was able to keep up with his opponent with pure skills and talent alone, this was Paul Reubens, 'Forte's Musical Guardian And Apprentice', now, as for his opponent, he was not only taller and more strong looking, but was also familiar, it was Nero, and seemed to have grown a lot more than the last time anyone saw him before, no longer the little boy everyone used to know, now he was someone who was more mature, more serious, and much more stronger and faster, which was not only shown by him holding a very large sword, which was called 'Red Queen', but was able to move the heavy blade with enough speed that always nearly hit Paul and forced him to keep on moving, not only that, but also had enough strength to effortlessly cause small crators on the ground or easily slice trees like melted butter, at first glance, the son of Belladonna seemed to be one with the overwhelming advantage, and while that was obviously true, there was one thing that he lacked compared to his shorter training partner, 'Control', now, this doesn't mean he isn't a untrained amateur, but his way of fighting involves him using his full strength and speed in a instinctual and even reckless behavior, something that Mr. Reubens was able to take full advantage of, like predicting what his next attack will be and using that to both dodge and make his powerful opponent trip up or lose balance, again Forte's Apprentice was no pushover and can very well handle himself in this dual, unfortunately, even with all his skills and better control in how he fight, it would not last, even if he managed to momentarily distracted his training partner, that was all he was able to accomplish, he wasn't fast enough to land a counter attack, he wasn't strong enough to push back, and he didn't have any special abilities that would give him any kind of advantage, and in the end, despite having a strong beginning, the grandson of Sparda was the real victor in the end, pinning down the short man by placing a foot on his wrist that held his shirt sword, while also aiming his 'Red Queen' above his face, once the fight was done, Tim was also done and stopped playing his piano

"Hmph, a slight improvement since last time, maybe enough to go up from F- to just normal F."
Forte was very blunt with his opinion on what he just saw in the duel, more specifically on what he saw from the son of Belladonna, which annoyed him as he steps away and helped his training partner up

"What's the problem this time you old fart, hm?"
After helping Reubens back to his feet, Nero looked up at the balcony and had his arms crossed

"While I must praise your increased strength and speed, not to mention you no doubt polished your already great talent."
Forte ignore such insults, as he was already used to hearing such bad mouthing from the teenager, not to mention he was too mature to respond to childish provocations

"But your method of actions is left to be desired."
Forte stood up from his seat and looked down at the two, wearing a cold and stern expression

"You fight like a child, thinking all you could do is swing a sword wildly with enough power that you'll win."
The faunus demon boy scoff at Forte criticism

"But I did win-"

"You won because my apprentice was weaker than you. Tell me, how many times has he tripped you up during the duel, and how many times has your own superior abilities saved you against his own slower and weaker attacks."
Forte quickly silence the hybrid before he could answer, while also saying something that made him look away with a somewhat upset look on his face

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