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"Are you ok? I've never seen you so stressed?"

Blake was in the middle of tucking her two children into bed, though while Credo was fast asleep, Kyrie was awake and looking at her mother with a worried expression; she could already tell something was wrong, which caused the Hellish Belladonna to sigh.

"It's fine, mommy just had some past catch up to the present, now go to sleep, you got school in the morning."

Blake tried to reassure her daughter, before kissing her cheeks; the young daughter still looked worried, but accepted it for now, and fell asleep with her brother. The priest Faunus wore an exhausted expression, as she took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself for a bit, before getting up and leaving her children's room, turning off the light, closing the door, and finally looking at what she dreaded the most.

"So ready to answer our questions, 'Bureiku, The Famous Priests Of Fortuna'?"

Weiss was the first one to speak, clearly not hiding her anger, while the rest of Team RWBY, who stood around the apartment, also expressed similar yet different emotions; the Hellish Belladonna sighed at this.

"Just don't wake up the kid's when asking me questions..."

Blake didn't want to argue, as she sat on her couch, her arms resting on her stomach; the RWBY girls wanted to ask so many questions and demand so many answers, but the Man in Red raised his hand, stopping them instantly.

"... Is it my brother's?"

Dante whispered softly, unlike the Devil Girl's, the Son of Sparda kept his cool and remained calm, something the Shadow Kitten appreciated.

"Yes, they both- er, he came from Vergil... His name is gonna be Nero."

Blake answered quietly; they quickly noticed her slip-up


Ruby asked softly.

"I was expecting twins... Vergil killed one of them..."

Blake clenched her fists lightly and tried her best not to tear up; seeing this was enough for the Devil Gals to calm down and not push any more buttons.

"What about Credo and Kyrie, are they-"

Yang was about to ask something, but the Priest Faunus quickly shook her head no before the blonde could finish her question.

"They were homeless when I moved here, so I adopted them."

Blake cleared up that misunderstanding, though it should have been obvious; Yang admitted it was a dumb question.

"So, why did you move here? And how did you become this 'Bureiku' character?"

Weiss, even though she had cooled down, still wore a expression that could be described as "How dare you," which made the Shadow Kitten frown even more; she didn't say anything about it.

"Bureiku Beradon'na is a fake name I chose to hide my identity, as for why I moved here, well, despite how suspicious these Holy People and High Order are, they weren't really a threat and aren't really evil, well not yet anyway, even if they were, I would've easily dealt with them, but for now, it's a peaceful place with good protection."

While Blake explained her reasons, she used her Shadow to go get herself some tea and some tuna.

"As for how I became the 'Famous Priest', well, they saw me carried around Yamato, and since these people knew about the weapons of Sparda, I accidentally became the Head Priest and one of the many leader's of this island, since they thought of me as the speaker for their Lord and Savior."

Blake rubs her temples in annoyance as her Shadows begin to bring her drinks and feed her.

"So many asked for advice, and many more to give them blessings... It's so exhausting."

Blake shook her head as she thanked her Shadow, to which she gave a happy smile before disappearing. The Devil Hunting Group could only look at her with such uncertainty; they definitely wanted to say more, ask more, do anything! But, they already knew enough, understood why she did it, how she did it, and honestly, despite her complaining, seemed to be living a life she wanted after wanting to quit the Team, a life of peace, happiness and freedom, there was nothing they could say or do that could change her mind, not that they wanted to, the Devil Team was lost and unsure on what to do now.

"Is that it? No more questions? No more asking why I did this? No more wondering why I chose this life instead of the former? Hm?"

Blake, despite her condition, did not show fear or regret; perhaps some guilt existed in her heart and mind, but she would definitely never give up on the life she had now, no matter what anyone said or did, as they all noticed.

"No, in all honesty, while we are still upset about the way you just left like that, we understood what you wanted and respected your wishes."

She sighed and just sat down in a nearby chair; she no longer sounded angry, but rather felt defeated.

"She's right, in fact, if it weren't for the mission, we would have never even met and continue to let you live peacefully here without us knowing."

Ruby sat next to her GF, holding her close and softly patting her back in a comforting manner.

"Wait, mission? So you didn't come here because you were still looking for me?"

Blake was now confused; if they weren't after her, then why were they here? The thought made her worried, and she held her stomach protectively.

"Well, technically we did come here for you, but mostly to ask questions or just see why 'Bureiku' was important enough to be targeted by Demons."

Yang explained the situation and why the Devil Hunting Group was here; hearing this, the Hellish Belladonna looked down and thought about it, though when she looked down, she saw her ring, causing her to go wide-eyed in realization.


Once Blake said this quickly gained the attention and cleared up any confusion among her ex-teammates.

"It's the only logical explanation, think about it, who else would I know that's demonic!"

Blake, not only did she sound very sure of herself, but also very hopeful; the thought of seeing Vergil again made her want to get up and go find him herself.

"Woah there kitten, I can already guess what you're thinking, but let me say this now, You. Are. Not. Coming."

Dante quickly stood up and pushed the Shadow Kitty down; as the Shadow came back out and held its blade arms near the Devil Hunter's shadow, which seemed to affect the real thing, because when it pointed at his shadow's neck, the real neck started to bleed a little.

"Let me rephrase that, you are not risking your life when you have another one growing inside you."

Dante crossed his arms, clearly not threatened by any of this, and spoke firmly and sternly.

"Vergil will never hurt me, I know he won't!"

What Blake said made the Ice Queen find her fire once again and get angry.

"Need I Remind You Of What You Just Told Us About Vergil Killing One Of Your Babies!"

When Weiss said this, she instantly regretted it, as Blake began to shake and tear up.

"T-That was all Arkham doing... He made Vergil do all those bad things, he's still a good person, I know he is..."

Blake tried her best not to cry, and was still very determined to see Vergil again, which made Team DRW(B)Y very worried

"What should we do, Dante?"

Ruby couldn't help but look up to Dante; the others were unsure on how to handle this, and hoped that their leader had the answers to this, which made the Devil Hunter think deeply and rub his chin.

We need more crossover of characters going into the world of Devil May Cry, instead of the other way around, at least I think so~

(Wuv u all~)

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