Let The Party Start~

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A month or two later, we see Team RWBY in the shop, just lazing around. Yang was napping on the couch, Blake was reading a book and eating some tuna, more than usual. Weiss was cleaning and trying to make the shop look more organized and professional, while Ruby was behind the desk and was in charge of answering any calls they might receive, since Dante was in the shower and couldn't do it himself.

"You know, if you continue to eat more Tuna, you'll end up fat."

Weiss bluntly says as she sweeps around the area; the Cat Girl only replies with a glare as she stuffs her face.

"New World Tuna, I'm Not Ignoring Such An Amazing Meal!"

Blake sounded a little defensive as she held her bowl protectively, which caused the Schnee to raise a brow at her sudden outbursts.

"Come on Weiss, be nice, we gotta be professional for the customers we might have."

Ruby ensured no unnecessary fights started, as she continued to intently stare at the phone, no doubt taking this 'Answer The Phone' challenge seriously.

"Yeah, cause your sister is setting good examples for customer service."

She crossed her arms, the mention of the Blonde's name waking her up from her nap.

"H-Huh? What are we talking about?"

Yang sat up and pretended that she was listening, which made the Ice Queen roll her eyes and continue to clean the place, before anyone could say anything, a door opened, catching everyone's attention, as they looked at some sort of priest-looking dude with a nasty scar, different colored eyes, and holding a book close to himself.

"Is Dante here?"

It was all the man could say as he walked in and walked up to the desk where Red Hoodie Girl was sitting.

"O-Oh no Dear Customer! He's in the middle of showering, sorry for the inconvenience, t-though since you're here, is there anything we can help with?!"

Ruby tried her best to look professional and serious, but she was quickly becoming nervous and could not control her speech properly.

"Oh, how unfortunate."

The Stranger wore a slight disappointed expression as he traced his hand over the surface of the desk.

"Is there something we can do?"

Weiss decided to save the Huntress from any embarrassment and spoke to the man in a well-mannered tone.

"Hm, I suppose you can deliver a message for him then."

The Weirdo lets out a sigh, as if he had no choice but to accept her offer.

"What kind of message?"

Blake was the only one who seemed a bit more suspicious about this whole thing, which made the man smirk evilly.

"Just that his brother wanted to meet him~..."

With that said, he quickly grabbed the desk and flipped it, which startled Ruby as she used her super speed to both get out of the way and grab her weapons; the others also quickly did and aimed them at the stranger, who had already disappeared.

"Who was that?"

Yang couldn't help but feel tense and on guard from what just happened, while others also shared the same feeling.

"Whoever he was, He's Gonna Pay For The Mess He Made!"

Weiss was very angry at the man for making a mess in the shop, not to mention breaking the desk

"Well, at least he's gone now, so he can't make any more messes, am I right?"

Ruby lowered her weapons and tried to reassure her teammate, though before she could take a step, a random demon came out of nowhere and attempted to attack the Silver-Eyed girl, who quickly blocked the attack. This sudden appearance startled everyone, and was about to help, but more random demons appeared and also attacked them. Now, everyone was caught in the middle of defending themselves.

"W-Where The Heck Did These Guy's Come From?!"

Ruby was now having a sword fight with the demon in front of her, she was easily winning.

"This Must Have Come From That Guy!"

Blake used her bladed sheath to block the attack, while using her gun mode to shoot its face.


Weiss was beyond livid as she quickly stabbed her rapier into the demon's chest, and used her Dust to make it burst into flames.

"Eh, I'm glad he came, I was getting 'Bone Tired' of lazing around~"

Yang quickly grabbed and broke the demon's weapon, before giving a hard kick to its back, causing its skull to come off; the Brawler caught it and smiled.

"Eh? Eh? Get It?~"

The girls couldn't help but groan at Yang's lame pun, even the demons shook their heads in disappointment before being slaughtered by the girls, which made the blonde pout, before punching a random demon and continuing the fight. While this was going on, a bathroom door opened and we saw a shirtless Dante walk out, ruffling some wetness from his hair as he then walked into the room and stopped to see all the carnage that was happening before him.

"... Hey, Who Started The Party Without Me?!~"

That's all he could say before quickly rushing in, grabbing a gun and his sword and joining into the fight without hesitation, meanwhile outside, the creepy creature let out a small chuckle before walking away, wearing a clearly evil expression.

"Now everything can finally begin~..."
Any ships/romantic ideas for team RWBY?~

(I have some in mind, but I wanna hear yours~)

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