Patty Lowell~

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Dante was driving a car with the Team DRW(B)Y logo on it. Meanwhile, in the backseat, Ruby and Patty were sitting together, chatting away.

"I hope this doesn't come out rude, but why did you take on this type of profession? With someone as young as you, shouldn't you do something more with your life?"

Patty couldn't help but ask in curiosity, finding it odd to see this Red Devil Hoodie Girl become some type of fighter. In her mind, a lady should only care about shopping, looking pretty, and finding love with a prince in shiny armor. It made her female protector giggle.

"Well, I always liked the thought of becoming a hero, saving the innocent, stopping evil, and looking cool doing it."

Ruby smiles softly, as she gently grasps the red gem that holds her scale hoodie together and opens it

"It's what my sister did, my father did, and my mother did… And I wanted to become just like them."

Ruby then showed the small child a very detailed drawing of herself, her sister, her father, and her mother, the young blonde looked and admired the drawing

"Wow… If that's the case, your parents must be very proud of you then."

Patty couldn't help but praise, although what she said made the Legendary Devil Huntress tense up slightly and caught the attention of Red Coat Devil

"Yes, they would be proud of me."

Ruby wore a calm expression, no doubt already moved on at the thought of going back home, even if it still stings her heart a little, the Human Kid gets a little confused at the sudden change of tone, but doesn't dwell on it too much as the two Ladies just continue to talk, and while they have their little chat, the Son Of Sparda continues to drive, and as he does so, he notices that up ahead in the road, a few demons stand firm and are getting ready to jump/attack the car, this makes him hum as he glances up at the rearview mirror, and sees that his 2nd In Command realizes what's happening and nods in understanding, which makes him smirk

"The sun is sure hot, let me turn on the shade."

Dante reached out his hand to a small switch under the radio and flipped it, which activated a sunroof and raised the tinted windows, which caught the orphan's attention and made her look around in wonder and confusion.

"Hey Patty, wanna listen to my favorite songs?~"

Before the young blonde could reply, Ruby had already taken out some headphones and put them on her head, while also turning on the music.

"Oh, this sounds so pretty!"

With Patty now distracted, the Corrupted Silver Eye's leader gave a thumbs up to his leader, who nodded, putting on some shades, which gave him a 360-degree view of the outside of his car, and continued driving forward into a group of demons, who let out a loud roar and charged towards the car. The Devil Hybrid wore an arrogant smile as he pressed on the triggers of his steering wheel, which revealed two gun barrels in the front of the vehicle, which quickly began gunning down all of the enemies that stood before him, making them fall on the road and get run over by the car.

'Heh, what was I thinking on letting Ruby and Yang work on the car~'

Dante chuckles to himself, and then sees a few Demons getting past the guns and getting ready to attack from above. The Demonic Human presses a button on his wheel, which lets pop out four long blades on the four corners of the car roof and they start spinning like helicopter blades, chopping the demons into pieces.

'Not that I'm complaining~...'

Dante continues having fun, purposely driving wildly and running over all the demons he sees, while letting the guns and spinning blades take care of any stragglers; he is thoroughly enjoying himself, though while driving like a madman, a single demon manages to avoid the chaos and climbs on the side of the car, being careful not to get hit by the guns or blades.

Legendary Devil HuntressesWhere stories live. Discover now