This Isn't Goodbye, But Goodbye

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{Flash Back}
Blake Belladonna lays on the bed, completely naked under the covers, seemingly sleeping with a pure satisfied and happy expression, though as she was sleeping, she turned on her side and tried to wrap her arms around someone, but after not feeling anyone next to her on the bed, she opened her eyes and saw that she was by herself, much to her confusion

"So you're finally awake?"
This made her sit up and look to see that Vergil was already up and clothed, though he still needed to put on his coat, which made her blush lightly when she saw his toned and strong arms

"L-Leaving already? Why not breakfast in bed together first, or maybe, well..."
Blake pouts, while she was used to him suddenly leaving to do his own business, she was kind of hoping that they would spend a little bit more time together, especially after the night of, 'Passion', they had with each other

"... Blake, what would you do if I died today?"
Vergil suddenly asked, startling her

"P-Please don't joke about that-"

"Answer my question."
Vergil was a bit firm when speaking to her, which did silence her as she took a moment to think about it.

"If it was Adam, I would probably be sad at first, but probably get over it quickly after realizing how free I was from his toxicity."
Blake then tightly clenched the bedsheets and frowned a bit

"But you, even if you're sometimes cold and rude to me, I know you care, and I trust you deeply, enough so to... Well you know."
Blake blushed more as her memories were still fresh from what happened last night.

"So you would be sad from my death?"

"I would be devastated, Vergil, because you treat me differently unlike other people. Even my friends, even though I would risk everything for them, would never talk to me like the way you do."
Blake tries to calm herself down, as she did not like thinking about such depressing hypothetical ideas of death and losing someone, though those kind of thoughts were interrupted by Vergil lifting up her chin and making her look at his stern expression

"That... Hearing you say that lightens my shoulders, thank you."
Vergil sighs and let's her go after hearing what he wanted to hear, though before he could walk away, she grabbed his hand and stopped him

"... Would you be sad if I was gone?"
While Blake was somewhat talking about her death, a sad realization hit her at the possibility of returning back home, even unlikely, her question made him clench his Yamato tightly

Vergil freed himself and puts on his coat, this confused her from his lack of response, and was about to ask again, but was cut off when he reached the door and opened it

"Not even hell will escape my devastation and rage."
It was all Vergil had to say before leaving the room, leaving Blake by herself, who couldn't help but shake her head and chuckle

'Even if he wants to act like a stone cold mature adult, we're still teens in the end~...'

{End Flashback}
Back inside the bedroom, where the so called 'Bureiku Beradon'na' resides in, she could be seen sitting on her bed and holding the broken 'Yamato', with the handle in one hand, and the blade in the other, she takes a deep breath and cleared her mind, before connecting the broken weapon together, after doing that, she started to use her 'Shadow Abilities' in attempt to fix the sword, unfortunately, no matter how much power she use, or no matter how much 'Boon' tries to help, the 'Yamato' could not be fixed, and after a minute or 2 of trying, she just suddenly gave up and just simply look at the sword, though she's wasn't upset or mad, like she usually was, she was just staring at the broken weapon with a thoughtful blank expression

"... I'm done..."
Was all Blake had to say, as she quickly puts the blade and handle back into its sheath as she stood up and walked towards a random wall in her room, she then reached in her 'Personal Dimension' and started pulling out some things, first was a small wooden table, then two candles that were always on and could never melt, a picture of herself when she was a teen and dating teen Vergil, and lastly she pulled out a golden necklace that used to belong to Vergil, though was missing the red gem in it

"Vergil, I will always love you, and I will never forget you."
Once Blake put all the stuff on the table, she then pulled off her ring from her finger and started to tie it on the yellow ribbon that was on the sheath of 'Yamato'

"But, I have a lot of things in my mind, and a lot of things I need to focus on, stuff that shouldn't be about you anymore."
Blake hugs the 'Yamato' and gave it a quick kiss, before placing it next to the table with the other stuff of fond memories and love

"In other words, this is goodbye, and I hope you can move on from me as well, Vergil."
Blake blows a kiss and pray for the small homemade shrine altar of her late husband, even if she was finally on the next step of moving in, she still wanted to show her love one last time while also hoping for a peaceful afterlife for him

"My Lady Bureiku, it is time for the church ceremony."
There was a knock on the door, as the familiar voice of Kimmy could be heard, to which Belladonna quickly listen and fixed herself up a bit

"I'll make you a better altar when I get back."
Blake waves goodbye before walking towards the door and completely leaves the room, leaving behind 'Yamato' and all her memories she had for it... Though unknown to her, a magical portal opened behind the shine altar, and a large monstrous hand came through it, basically destroying the entire thing, and quickly grabbed the weapon, before quickly disappearing back in the portal, leaving behind nothing but broken memories and tainted love
Was gonna do the entire DMC 4 intro, but I felt like this needed its own chapter
(BTW any advice on how to do DMC 4? I have a plan but I'm open to suggestions)

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